I wish I could say I hadn't expected this.
Can you please tell me what Yul's brother told Kyungsoo in chapter 46? ♡
I think that when all the magic happened...
The Big Bro(Geon) reveals what Yul told him, He knew Geon would rape Kyungsoo big time and that thanks to him Kyungsoo wanted to be with Yul again as He is now seen as the lesser evil...
Basically the Great Rape Siesta was Yul's plan all along to make the MC attached to him again... not that He cared on how much damage & suffering that will actually cause to the poor guy...
Yul is sick and incapable of loving anyone!! He is a sociopath of the highest level, If He were into killing instead of raping He'll be more succesful than Sangwoo & Johan toghether.
This chapter broke my heart :(
Kyungsoo's telling Donghyuk he knew that he could never get away from Yul. Donghyuk asks him what is he talking about, that their going to be together for a lifetime he knows that their going to last. Kyungsoo yells at him that he's not going to stay and that he wants to be with Yul "I want to be with him". Donghyuk asks him again of what is he talking about and didn't he say that he didn't want to go back with that bastard. That's when Kyungsoo says " I want more of Yul, I feel good when I have sex with Yul, Donghyuk" (I wanted slap Kyungsoo so badly) and tells him to just let him go. Donghyuk starts to cry saying " I said I loved you and you even confessed to me saying that you liked me" Kyungsoo tells him that because Yul wasn't there and he had no one to talk to and it was a coincidence that he saw Donghyuk. "Just go back to how it was when I was gone" that leaves Donghyuk heart broken and Kyungsoo gets up and grabs his shirt and is in his way out of his room when Donghyuk grabs him and throw each other on the bed. At the same time Donghyuk's sister just came home and I'm guessing is drunk because she comes in screaming that why isn't Donghyuk welcoming her home and is going up the stairs. Donghyuk tells Kyungsoo to just stay and lifts up his legs and penetrates him and his sister is outside the door asking if he's asleep and that is he that lazy and leaves and before she came Kyungsoo was calling Donghyuk's name to stop cause his sister was outside but he just penetrated him again. Donghyuk rapes Kyungsoo and tells him "I want to live life like this forever" " I'll never break up with you" "with that bastard still out there, you will never escape from me" and outside where Kyungsoo and Donghyuk are, Yul is outside with his 2 other buddies waiting outside Donghyuks house and that's the end of chapter 63.
So thanks to Kyungsoo he turned our favorite innocent and cute Donghyuk into a obsessed person like Yul. I understand that he wants to protect Donghyuk but at the end it backfired on him and he just doesn't know how much Donghyuk had to go through just for Kyungsoo, I mean Donghyuk witnessed his lover get raped and then get his heart broken and then had to face Yul, the person that had him get beaten up and took away his lover , to get Kyungsoo back and Kyungsoo doesn't seem to realize how much Donghyuk loves him. I'm done for now so like I usually say at the end of all my summaries- see you next week ヾ(☆▽☆)