Someone is underestimating Doumeki! I see Doumeki not as a baby bird, but as a vulture!...

My Name Here October 15, 2017 2:50 pm

Someone is underestimating Doumeki!

I see Doumeki not as a baby bird, but as a vulture!

Patient, quiet, but deadly.

    MiSaKii October 15, 2017 2:54 pm

    i think doumeki is badass but also he s very pure and innocent when it comes to love - he would throw away his life in an instant if it is for yashiro and yashiro knows that - i guess that s why he s so extremly scared of keeping doumeki close - because he knows he could easily loose him - forever -- in an instant ... and i m sure that would break yashiro - so i guess it s better for him to keep him safe somewhere far away instead of close and in constant danger...

    My Name Here October 15, 2017 3:54 pm
    i think doumeki is badass but also he s very pure and innocent when it comes to love - he would throw away his life in an instant if it is for yashiro and yashiro knows that - i guess that s why he s so extreml... MiSaKii

    Doumeki is not pure and innocent.

    He is not naive.

    Remember he was a police officer, he saw stuff while working. Also, he served time in prison. No one comes out of prison unchanged.

    I think he was not use to the gangster lifestyle.

    I think if it was not for what happened to his sister he wouldn't have met Yashiro!

    But, Doumeki is not pure and innocent.

    Instead, he is a person who has high moral standards and has lived his life by a certain conduct (and he aspects others to live by that same conduct).

    But when he is with Yashiro he compromises his usually standards.

    I think you are confusing "pure and innocent" with a person's "personal belief and conduct. And one's personal standards."

    My Name Here October 15, 2017 3:55 pm
    i think doumeki is badass but also he s very pure and innocent when it comes to love - he would throw away his life in an instant if it is for yashiro and yashiro knows that - i guess that s why he s so extreml... MiSaKii

    But he is inexperience when it comes to love

    keishizu October 15, 2017 5:30 pm
    But he is inexperience when it comes to love @My Name Here

    When it comes to love, many people make it at their 1st relationships, and many can't even after trying dozen of times, so I am not sure what 'experience' means. But well... to me, I think Doumeki has been trying his best to show his 'love', and the one denying it is more of an inexperience one.

    keishizu October 15, 2017 5:33 pm
    But he is inexperience when it comes to love @My Name Here

    Oh, but I do understand why Yashiro is being stubborn. He hasn't been loved that much till now, and there're many sad incidents to put.

    Lola October 15, 2017 7:29 pm
    Doumeki is not pure and innocent. He is not naive. Remember he was a police officer, he saw stuff while working. Also, he served time in prison. No one comes out of prison unchanged. I think he was not use to t... @My Name Here

    I agree with this comment. The thing that makes Doumeki seem "innocent" is that his feeling did love are very honest, which make people think he's "pure hearted". But as you explained, he's not innocent nor naive, he's honest, noble, and in the past he was trying to live an "honorable" life. The reason the trauma with his father/sister hit him so heard if because being a man who prides himself in following a certain moral standard, on being a policeman and doing what is right, discovering that his father is a bad person destroyed his belief on being in the "good" side, he felt guilty and blamed himself for being unable to notice that his sister was in pain/danger, for being unable to protect his family from his own people. Doumeki is also introverted, quiet and rather dense about how people perceive him, which makes people think he's "shy"/inexperienced... But although he has never fallen madly in love before, he clearly had some experience with dating, sex, violence... Maybe his kindness makes his seem "cute"? Honestly, I believe being a policeman suited him a lot... Being a yasuka doesn't suit him, it goes against his moral standard, which seems to me like a prove of how jail changed him: he was kinda broken, loathed himself, didn't believe he deserved to be forgiven...

    Lola October 15, 2017 7:32 pm
    I agree with this comment. The thing that makes Doumeki seem "innocent" is that his feeling did love are very honest, which make people think he's "pure hearted". But as you explained, he's not innocent nor nai... @Lola

    His feelings did love= his feelings of** love...

    My Name Here October 15, 2017 7:47 pm
    I agree with this comment. The thing that makes Doumeki seem "innocent" is that his feeling did love are very honest, which make people think he's "pure hearted". But as you explained, he's not innocent nor nai... @Lola

    Exactly right.

    I think people are simplifying Doumeki.

    It's not that Doumeki didn't know that the other side existed, it just that he knew that he never wanted to cross that line.

    But for Yashiro, Doumeki has cross that line.

    And because of who Doumeki is and what Doumeki stands for the gangster life does not suit him.

    Doumeki prefers to live a life that's within legal and "morally" acceptable standards. And his desire to do so does not make him pure, naive, or innocent.

    No, he's not raw and cynical like Yashiro, but he's not pure, naive, or innocent either!

    My Name Here October 15, 2017 8:16 pm
    Exactly right. I think people are simplifying Doumeki. It's not that Doumeki didn't know that the other side existed, it just that he knew that he never wanted to cross that line. But for Yashiro, Doumeki has c... @My Name Here

    Btw, my life experiences are closer to Yashiro's than Doumeki's.

    And I have several family members who thought they were tougher than me because I have not been to prison.

    And I had to curse them out royally!

    1. I told them that we live in them ghetto, that's not usual. Then I told them to shut up... But I used more expressive words...

    2. I said, " You couldn't kick my azz then, and you still cannot."

    And then I invited to my college graduation.

    My male and female cousins are not tougher than I.

    And I'm not pure, innocent, or naïve.

    Hell, we grew up in the same home and/or neighborhood!

    I just made a different life choice (and I am not making a judgment on my family members), and I dropped my baggage a long time ago. They didn't. Unfortunately, it is still to hard for them, and it's understandable. Our childhood was f'ed up!!!!

    A professor at my college, after hearing my life story, told me that I should have PTSD. And was shocked that I didn't...

    And my professor pointed out that different people handle trauma differently. My coping mechanisms are more positive than destructive.

    Sadly, my cousins coping mechanisms are very destructive like Yashiro.

    My Name Here October 15, 2017 8:20 pm
    Oh, but I do understand why Yashiro is being stubborn. He hasn't been loved that much till now, and there're many sad incidents to put. keishizu

    Yashiro is inexperienced in love too. In my opinion, he's been obsessive and lustful but never in love. And not mutually so either. He's afraid.

    Lola October 15, 2017 11:32 pm
    Yashiro is inexperienced in love too. In my opinion, he's been obsessive and lustful but never in love. And not mutually so either. He's afraid. @My Name Here

    Yes, I agree. He's terrified of love, of being hurt, of the possibility of losing someone, that is more horrifying to him than the idea of death or the idea of being alone his entire life. He knows how to handle phsycisal pain, he knows how to survive, how to ignore other people's opinion/humilliation/bullying, BUT he doesn't know how to open his heart, show someone his vulnerabilty, he doesn't believe he could handle psychological pain, like betrayal or abandonement. I believe his main problem is that Yashiro doesn't belive he is worthy of love, he thinks that he is tainted, corrupted, dark. He lies to himself and hides his fear behind rationalizations, a fake overconfdent and nonchalant attitude, with cynism and sarcasm.

    Lola October 16, 2017 12:18 am
    Btw, my life experiences are closer to Yashiro's than Doumeki's. And I have several family members who thought they were tougher than me because I have not been to prison. And I had to curse them out royally! ... @My Name Here

    We're the oppissite then. My life is way closer to Doumeki's: My father is not a child molester, actually he's a decent father, but there was a lot violence (mostly psychological/verbal), adultery and stuff like that between my parents and step-parents, they're all rather dominant, manipulative, jealous, competitive, ambitious, proud... love-hate relationships. However, my life is still less traumatic than most, my family has a good financial situation (we're not rich, but I've never been hungry, we have a house...), and I have a good education. I also have a lot of siblings, some blood related, others adopted, and I love them all with all my heart. I also could relate to young Doumeki's desire to make his family proud, protect his sister, "to do the right thing", I was kinda obssesed with being the best student to make things better for everyone, trying to stop fights and that stuff, so...

    It's ironic because I'm the oldest sibling yet my entire life I've been called naive, innocent, too forgiving, too kind, some poeple critisize me for that. I don't know if all that is true, I really don't know, but I'm definitely more "innocent" than Doumeki, as you said: people are simplifying him. I think people don't understand his character well because they believe Yashiro (who is smart) must be right when he calls the guy "too pure" or "cute (well, he is)" or "baby chicken", but Yashiro is underestimating Doumeki, proyecting his insecurities and idealizing him, thinking he's "an angel too good for tainted me". Doumeki is not stupid, he can make his own desitions. And he's not submissive, he's pretty intense and knows his own feelings.

    "Different people handle trauma differently", this is so real! I have friends with terrible childhoods, who have been abused, lived in poverty, others with cronic depression or double personality disorder, etc, and it's incredible how two people with the exact same experience are affected by it in such different ways... Some people recover faster, others are haunted by their past or change a lot... Also, some people are more empathethic or sensitive, which can be good by also can make them more vulnerable... and depending on how much support you have or not, your culture, your personality, it can make a big difference.

    I'm really happy to hear that you don't let anyone bring you down. That's healthy: to know from where do you come from, to remember your past, but stand up, make a better life for yourself in the present. I'm glad you didn't had to go to jail. Prison can mess up good people. It's a terrible place... Don't listen to people who look down on you for stupid reasons, even if it's you own family. Sometimes family members are envious or controlling, sometimes they hurt you the most, don't let them. Ah but you seem to know all this better than I do...

    I Can't Think of a Cool Screen October 16, 2017 8:52 pm
    We're the oppissite then. My life is way closer to Doumeki's: My father is not a child molester, actually he's a decent father, but there was a lot violence (mostly psychological/verbal), adultery and stuff lik... @Lola

    Hi Lola, it's one thing to forgive others blindly, but you seem like you forgive people consciously.

    Life is just hard, period, and your experiences matter too.

    So, don't let other people's criticism bring you down.

    I don't know you, but from what you wrote it sounds like you are someone who is conscience of themselves (you're strengths and weaknesses), yet you still are mindful of others. And that is rare!

    I try to do the same too: I try and give others the same benefit of doubt I give myself!

    Good luck in everything! (๑❛ᴗ❛๑)

    My Name Here October 16, 2017 8:54 pm
    Hi Lola, it's one thing to forgive others blindly, but you seem like you forgive people consciously. Life is just hard, period, and your experiences matter too.So, don't let other people's criticism bring you d... @I Can't Think of a Cool Screen

    Also, this is "my name here..." Lol

    MiSaKii October 16, 2017 10:33 pm

    i think that deep kind of loving and caring is a very innocent way of loving yep

    i never said that doumeki himself is pure and innocent i said he is pure and innocent when he comes to love (his way of loving and caring)

    i never said doumeki has not much expirience nor did i say that he s stupid or something like that - because i did read the manga and i know he was police officer ;)

    Doumekis way of loving is very pure and cute and caring - like you mentioned he has a high standard of moral and how he sees and lives life

    yashiro is trying to protect doumeki because yashiro knows that doumeki would throw his whole life away for yashiro in a blink of an eye

    i think yashiro is scared of this feelings but also of loosing doumeki in a brutal way and also does he think that he d ruin doumekis life if he keeps him by his side

    MiSaKii October 16, 2017 10:36 pm

    when it comes to love*

    Lola October 17, 2017 1:45 am
    Hi Lola, it's one thing to forgive others blindly, but you seem like you forgive people consciously. Life is just hard, period, and your experiences matter too.So, don't let other people's criticism bring you d... @I Can't Think of a Cool Screen

    Thank you! <3 :)