that's true. actually bum has what is called 'trauma bond'. it's a mental condition where the victim associates physical and emotional abuse for love because the victim thinks it is either the kind of love he/she deserves or knows or that the victim is heavily dependent on the relationship out of fear of various outside factors such as family pressure, financial problems, and, of course, loneliness.
many abusive relationships last because of trauma bond and it's more difficult to make the victim realize that they're in a bad relationship. in bum's case, there's this complicated situation where escaping the abusive relationship wouldn't grant him the freedom he needs. if the police finds out that he's been brought to the police station so many times because of his stalking habit, then he would not seem like a victim so much but more that he'd finally had his comeuppance. the police also brought his uncle upon him as soon as he's supposedly free, so the way i see it, being with sangwoo either in jail or as his captive is the least evil that could ever befall him.

Pls don't even say the cursed term. There are people here who would fight you tooth and nail to say otherwise┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

And there it is.

stockholm syndrome is different from trauma bond. it does not take a second to google trauma bond and get educated.

'rtrd' really?
I'm shocked and appalled that people here think Bum is pathetic, and that it's easy to escape from your abuser. No one has ever shown any affection for Bum, so he believes that people are incapable of loving him. When he fell for that girl in high school and they connected, she later abandoned him. His aunt ignored him while his uncle abused him.
He doesn't trust Seungbae because no one he's ever trusted has ever helped him. Sangwoo occasionally shows Bum affection, so Bum clings to that. No one has ever showed Bum what love is, and he believes that no one except Sangwoo cares for him (which is true, Sangwoo is the only one who cares, in his own fucked up way). Bum doesn't believe anyone else is capable of loving him because he considers himself a bad person (he did kill a woman, which heavily weighs on him).
Bum doesn't know where else to go if not with Sangwoo. I'm not condoning their relationship, but I understand why Bum does the things he does.