Their High School Life:
Shimojou and Kuze meet in high school (HS). Both were well-known students, but they never crossed paths.
Shimojou is a genius from a rich family. His intelligence is admired by all. But, he’s bored with his life, everything is easy and predictable. Interestingly, Shimojou has a bad habit of finding out other people’s weaknesses and “blackmailing” them with this. And because he blackmails people, he always wins and gets what he wants. He likes feeling superior to others. He craves excitement and wants a challenge.
Kuze is very popular at school. This looks and personality is admired by all, both men and women. He is always the center of attention. Women fight over him constantly. But, just like Shimojou, Kuze is bored too. Kuze realizes that everyone kiss his a$$ (and fear him) because of his father’s political status/power (his father is the mayor). But, he pretends not to know and he acts friendly to everyone.
Their lives collide, in their second year of high school, when they both run for the same student government’s position, class president. Kuze wins. Making him the president; while Shimojou is stuck with the vice president position.
Kuze is first, Shimojou is second.
But, as Kuze, the new president, greets Shimojou (this is their first time meeting and talking to each other). Kuze reveals his true nature to Shimojou.
Shimojou realizes that Kuze is not naïve (instead he is also very clever); plus Kuze can see through Shimojou’s fake “friendly nature.”
They both pretend to be friendly to others, but they reveal their true nature to each other.
Still, Shimojou is furious because he has never lost before, and he vows to get revenge on Kuze. This, Kuze, is the challenge Shimojou craves.
Kuze points out to Shimojou that he knows that Shimojou tried to find dirt on Kuze to blackmail him with, Kuze also knows that Shimojou couldn’t find any.
Yet Kuze tempts Shimojou to take him, Kuze, down if he can. Kuze also sees Shimojou as a rival/competitor.
Shimojou points out that his is the first time that someone has looked down on him and has not fear him—therefore Shimojou dislikes Kuze and is frustrated by Kuze.
Basically, this is two kindred souls who recognizes the same likeness in each other and trying to see who can outlast the other.
Note: this is not David vs Goliath.
Instead this is: Goliath vs Goliath!
Note: Kuze realizes and points out to Shimojou that although Shimojou has the information to blackmail people he does not actually blackmail them. He just allows the corrupt person to recuse themselves due to shame and fear. Shimojou never actually threatens them.
And, Kuze knows that Shimojou only goes after bad/scum people.
Essentially, Shimojou is the “Dexter” of the criminally corrupt. He’s a criminal that only targets criminals. This fact is why Kuze is interested in Shimojou!
During their high school life. Kuze discovers Shimojou secrets and realizes that he, Kuze, has the same bad habits as Shimojou. Shimojou realizes that he is attracted to Kuze but reject his attraction and refuses to act on it. This could be because Kuze has the “power” in their relationship (Kuze is president and Kuze knows all of Shimojou secrets. Yet, both Shimojou and Kuze see themselves as dominant seme and if Shimojou gives in to Kuze he will have to admit defeat.
In chapter 2, page 19. Kuze finds Shimojou hideout. Shimojou keeps changing hideouts to avoid Kuze. Kuze states that “his nose reacts when [Shimojou] is up to no good” (Note: Kuze is great at tracking/finding Shimojou; even if Shimojou is trying to hide from Kuze). He’s like a bloodhound…!
(same chapter and page) Also, Kuze is the one who is always chasing after Shimojou. Kuze likes that Shimojou pushes him away and does not brown-nose him. (This is their last meeting in HS)
Chapter 3, page 10: Shimojou promises to never run away from Kuze and challenges Kuze to take him down if Kuze can.
***They were both 17 years old, in their second year of HS, and only knew each other for 2 months before Kuze disappeared***

Their adult life, this is before Kuze and Shimojou reconnected:
Chapter 2, page 17. Kuze is a well-seasoned and well-accomplished renegade cop. He often does what he wants, goes off the grid, but he always gets his guy.
Chapter 2, page 18: Kuze is investigating the Yamamoto crime organization. During his investigation he notices someone familiar in a picture. Shimojou is in one of the pictures, which means that he is working with the Yamamoto crime family. Kuze states finally, I found you. Meaning, after he left HS, Kuze was looking for Shimojou this whole time. Also, when Shimojou is doing something naughty Kuze states that he can tell because his “nose reacted.” So, Kuze can sense (smell) Shimojou’s bad behavior.
Chapter 2, page 27. Kuze tries to kiss Shimojou. Shimojou rejects him. They both admit that they are gay and attracted to each other. They also admit that they are both semes. But Shimojou, won’t sexually give in to Kuze until he can bring Kuze down (kissing included).
Chapter 2, page 28. Kuze asks Shimojou what he thinks of Kuze. Shimojou answers honestly. He talks about Kuze and not Kuze’s family, Kuze’s reputation, just Kuze. The real Kuze (the good and the bad).
Chapter 2, page 29. Kuze leaves school. And his father’s criminal activity is published in a newpaper. Kuze’s father 15 million yens. And “Mayor Dad’s” political career and personal life was being financed by the Yamamoto group. Kuze’s father commits suicide. Kuze family is now shamed and broke.
Chapter 2, page 30. Everyone reacts to the news, even Kuze and Shimojou’s classmates. Those who kissed Kuze’s a$$ now are talking bad about him and looking down on him. They were all fake.
Same chapter and page: Shimojou is disappointed that Kuze that his father action bring him down, make his drop out of school and give into the gossip and fake students. Shimojou is mad that their rivalry has ended, and how it ended. Their epic battle ended poorly and Shimojou wanted to be the one to take Kuze down (and not Kuze’s father disgrace and social downfall). Shimojou tried to find Kuze, but he never could.

Their Adult life, when they reconnect:
Shimojou recognizes Kuze in chapter 1, 15. Shimojou recalls the statement that Kuze often said to him, “what a lowlife.”
Note: Shimojou often calls Kuze bastard, scum, and trash.
Shimojou is disappointed in Kuze because Shimojou wanted to be the one to knock Kuze off his pedestal
Shimojou is 100% sure it’s Kuze in chapter 1, page 21. After Kuze showers and shaves.
Chapter 1, page 24. Kuze tries to penetrate Shimojou. Shimojou refuses and instead wants to penetrate Kuze. The rivalry/battle for dominance has officially rekindled (but now they are both adults). [Note Kuze face and eyes when he thinks “oh!” Ultimately, they are both trying to dominate each other from this point.
Chapter 1, page 39-40. Shimojou finds out that Kuze is a cop. And from this, Shimojou realizes that Kuze is undercover and is trying to capture Shimojou and the yakuza organization he works for. Shimojou thinks this is predictable and is bored. He at least wanted a challenge from Kuze, but this is too easy.
Chapter 2, page 15-16. Shimojou office door is not locks. Kuze discovers and has proof of Shimojou’s and the yakuza organization’s criminal activity.
Chapter 2, page 24. Kuze and Shimojou are having some S&M fun, both still refuses to be the uke, but they still want to get off with each other. Kuze’s wrist is tied together with a tie, but a sd card/usb drive is positioned in the knots.
Chapter 2, 24. Kuze takes the sd card, with incriminating evidence) and hands it over to his meet up, another police officer. But, he continues to stay with Shimojou. And Shimojou, who is aware of Kuze’s actions and the consequences of giving Kuze the sd, let’s Kuze stay with him. They live like nothing is wrong and nothing is going to happen. Still no sex. You probably realized this by now, but they are not having sex with each other until an official winner in their rivalry is declared. But they flirt and turn each on as much as possible. #Temptation #Foreplay

-Kuze purposely let Shimojou find his wallet
-Shimojou purposely left his door open so that Kuze can find the incriminating info
-Kuze found Shimojou, and knew what Shimojou was up to (the picture in the file). Kuze position himself/he arranged it so that he would run in to Shimojou—it was a set-up on Kuze part.
-I think the street thugs on the street just happened to be there and tried to take advantage of Kuze because that what street thugs do). But, Kuze purposely found Shimojou and pretended not to know/recognize Shimojou.
-They both purposely and indirectly let the other person know they were aware of the other’s presence and what they were up to.
-Think checkers and play dare, you make a move and then wait to see what move your opponent makes, and then you react to their move. They are both see and daring the other to make the next move.
-Because of Kuze’s father’s public downfall and social disgrace, Shimojou has honestly believe that Kuze was a bum. Which is why Shimojou kept noting Kuze’s health and well-being. This whole time, Shimojou was worried about Kuze after Kuze disappeared
-Shimojou purposely worked for the Yamamoto family. He did it because of Kuze’s family connection to them, they wanted to make it easy for Kuze to find him. (chapter 2, pages 30-32)
-Kuze is aware of his parent’s criminal activity and terrible deeds. And Kuze knows that his family’s downfall that is coming. He says goodbye to Shimojou (this is their second to last meeting before Kuze disappears) (chapter 3, page 10) . This is why Kuze asks Shimojou what his honest opinion of Kuze is.
-Shimojou wanted to take down the Yamamoto family. Kuze also wanted to take down the Yamamoto family due to their role in his life in HS. They were both targeting the Yamamoto family-they both wanted revenge. Remember: the Yamamoto organization (and Kuze’s father) is why they had to separate in HS. (chapter 3, page 14).
Chapter 3, page 14. Shimojou still has the article of Kuze’s father suicide from their HS days. Both men, Shimojou and Kuze, never forgave the Yamamoto family/organization. The Yamamoto family was on the two Goliaths’ (Kuze and Shimojou’s) sh!t list. Basically, the Yamamoto organization was screwed since Kuze and Shimojou’s second year in HS and Yamamoto never stood a chance.
-Shimojou was only there for Kuze. He wanted to make it easy for Kuze to find him.
-There game/match is finally done, a winner has been declared, sex can now be had.
-P.S. their reconnection was also a set-up on Shimojou’s part. Remember, he purposely joined the Yamamoto group and wanted Kuze to find him.
- And as was stated below, this is the longest session of foreplay ever!

Note, I’m going to cover all my bases right here (I’ve lived and learned):
-Yes, this is long. I’m very aware it is long.
-But, no. This is not an essay, it’s more of a character summary with very little (and basic) character analysis.
-Lastly, read as little or as much as you want. I’m not forcing you to read it.
-No. Actually, this did not take as much work and time as you think. I have always been very good at summarizing, critical thinking, and character analysis. This comes to me naturally, it always has, since I was a kid. This is just how my brain works.
***[Sometimes, I write post explaining the plot of a manga, but I only do this if some people find the plot confusing. (I have done this for all sort of mangas: heterosexual story mangas, gay story mangas, and action story manags! And people often ask or comment in similar ways, so I wanted to answer the comment ahead of time]
- :)

This is DMV, ignore my grammar errors!!!!

Btw, Shimojou did not find out that Kuze was a cop until he found Kuze badge. He didn't like the Yamamoto group because of their role in separating him from Kuze and Shimojou wanted to be the one to take them down. Proving he is better than Kuze!

Hey thanks, I actually was a little confused so that helped clear it up for me.

Great! I'm happy it helped.
Btw, I just notice that some of the stuff is in the wrong section...
A great portion of the "Their adult life, this is before Kuze and Shimojou reconnected" info is suppose to be in their HS life section...
But, there are four sections: 1) HS, Before they reconnect, When they reconnect, and 4) Conclusion.
Again, ignore my grammar errors. This is why one should proofread...

Wouaaahh that's so long ! But it clearly helped me To understand this story, i was a little confusing haha x) but now with your explanations it work ! ( I'm french, so sorry for my grammar ? ^^)

Can you repost it organized?

Okay! Thanks!
This comment definitely contains spoilers!
If you are confused, hopefully this will help!
Note: this is long. Read it only if you want. You have the right to stop at any time!
I’m breaking this up in 4 sections (again this is long).