another thing i wanna share

nana October 14, 2017 6:02 pm

this morning i talked to my friend about yaoi and she really looked disgusted. i was really disappointed when i saw her expression. i asked her "what would u do if your child is gay?" she made an even more disgusted face and said "ugh who would want their child to be gay" so i shut up and didn't talk to her for awhile. i get if she doesn't have the same taste but the way she answered my to not be awkward before school start again?

    Sakura October 14, 2017 6:05 pm

    Unfriend her! Lol jk, I guess you should avoid that topic.

    nana October 14, 2017 6:08 pm
    Unfriend her! Lol jk, I guess you should avoid that topic. Sakura

    she knew abt my interest for awhile now i didn't suddenly bring it up. she even ship 2 guys in our class i don't get why her reaction was so strange

    mu-chan October 14, 2017 6:15 pm

    Hmm i think you should just act normally.. Our perceptions are different from others. So dont take it too much to heart. All my friends know that i am fujoushi. And sometimes i will do naughty things too. My friends all decent students from a good family too. One of them said i am digusting, some never care too much about my preferences. I just act normally, i have my own thought. As long as you know what is right or wrong, and do everything wisely, you cant be wrong. That was my mom said in the past...

    MyLady October 14, 2017 6:15 pm

    Yeahhh. Some people cannot accept these things. My sister for example cant stand yaoi. Luckily my best friend is okay with BL but she only read shounen ai.

    IamMe October 14, 2017 6:22 pm
    she knew abt my interest for awhile now i didn't suddenly bring it up. she even ship 2 guys in our class i don't get why her reaction was so strange nana

    Most probably because of the fantasy vs reality. I’m pretty sure some of the reader here who read yaoi but can’t accept gay in rl. They can fantasize about two guys together for fun but when it become true, they’re repulsed.

    I, for one, are very strong on where I stand. If I support gay or lgbt community then that’s my business. In your case, if I were you, I would’ve told her, reasoning with her, why I think gay shouldn’t be look down with disgust. I could write an essay of this matter as I’m very good in arguing or debating about this. I strongly believe people can live their life loving who they want. Life is so short why hate? When they die, they die. And what they did while they lived will disappear with time. It’s stupid to live and be afraid of loving who you want. Regardless of gender etc.

    However, if even after you reason with her why she should respect gay people and she still stubborn in her dislike towards them, then leave her be. We can’t force someone to accept certain things. She live her life exhausting herself hating the inevitable and you live your life understanding that life is more than those narrow minded people.

    Hotaru [firefly] October 14, 2017 6:23 pm

    Omg... to say that about the possibility of having a gay child is just horrid and sad for this generation. In my case, I'd just act normally because a friend, regardless of how narrow-minded they are, is a friend and as time goes on you could possible meet people who can accept your interests and not judge. That is ONLY if she doesn't treat you worse/differently, if it escalates and she says crap about you then cut her off, no point in keeping toxic people around. Advice from someone who grew up in a very stereotypical Asian household with parents with the mindset from the 1960's such as hitting for discipline and racism. Good Luck!

    nana October 14, 2017 6:29 pm
    Hmm i think you should just act normally.. Our perceptions are different from others. So dont take it too much to heart. All my friends know that i am fujoushi. And sometimes i will do naughty things too. My fr... mu-chan

    i don't really care what people think about my interest either but something about her reaction just pierced my heart maybe because she's a bestfriend but thanks i'll try to forget about it

    nana October 14, 2017 6:32 pm
    Yeahhh. Some people cannot accept these things. My sister for example cant stand yaoi. Luckily my best friend is okay with BL but she only read shounen ai. MyLady

    yeah i know not every girls are fujoshi but this is not the first time i talk about it. Usually she just listen to me and laugh it off. if she's uncomfortable she should tell me since day 1 lol i feel kinda bad she has to listen to those erotic stuff

    nana October 14, 2017 6:42 pm
    Most probably because of the fantasy vs reality. I’m pretty sure some of the reader here who read yaoi but can’t accept gay in rl. They can fantasize about two guys together for fun but when it become true,... IamMe

    I've never actually explained it to her in details. I did tell her not to judge people and that they can't help liking the same gender because they were born this way. I strongly support the lgbt+ community and I'm very open about it. I'm sure all of my friends know but no matter how hard I try to make them understand, they still seem uncomfortable and try to change the topic. They would ask me shit like "But how do gays do it? Does it feel good though" and then one of them would shout "Stop it that's gross" and I'd secretly feel hurt by it. If talking about sex generally triggers them then I don't mind but seems like all of my friends are homophobic.

    nana October 14, 2017 6:56 pm
    Omg... to say that about the possibility of having a gay child is just horrid and sad for this generation. In my case, I'd just act normally because a friend, regardless of how narrow-minded they are, is a frie... Hotaru [firefly]

    Asking that kind of question is considered normal in my country. It's like before you judge somebody and make fun of something, what if you have to live with that kind of situation as well? It's actually a religious thing. There are people who believe if you hate something so much, Karma will get you and shove it in your face, making you suffer from it. I also grew up in a stereotypical Asian household. My parents esp my mom's mindset is super ancient. Anyway I'm going off topic but she's a bestfriend so I won't cut her out of my life because of this one issue. I'm sure she won't talk shit about me either consider all type of crap she has to put up with hanging with me. She's probably already forgotten about it by now. Thanks you, I just really wanna get it out of my chest.

    Ninjaaa October 14, 2017 7:03 pm

    Thats not cool . I think u should just talk with other things but really i wouldnt spend too much time with someone who looks disgusted If i talk about my own interests. Im sure u can find someone u can talk with ! My best friend doesnt read yaoi etc stuff but she always listen me:'D and i dont feel weird about talking manga or stuff so u should talk with people like us here cuz its best to talk when u feel comfortable (sorry grammar mistakes im not fluent in english XD)

    nana October 14, 2017 7:25 pm
    Thats not cool . I think u should just talk with other things but really i wouldnt spend too much time with someone who looks disgusted If i talk about my own interests. Im sure u can find someone u can talk wi... @Ninjaaa

    My fellow fujoshi :') you guys are the best. I sent her yaoi sometimes but she never told me anything so I thought she liked it. I'll probably continue to tease her because it's kinda cute.

    N!No October 14, 2017 8:11 pm

    I had similar experience with my coworker. I always thought that she was great open minded person but one day we talked about our favourite books and comics and I mentioned Junjou Romantica and she freaked out. She said that whatever gay is disgusting, immoral and unnatural. Since than I see her in different light. We are friends, we work together, but we don't talk about some topics. ( ̄へ ̄)

    KoizumikKawaiiChairo October 14, 2017 8:11 pm

    Omg , your friend sounds like a homophobic piece of shit . Like it's 2017 , how are people still homophobic . I hope they don't treat being gay like a disease , cause I get that reaction a lot ... Thankfully my bff is also bi and a huge yaoi fan . But don't worry , you will find more accepting people in the future Hun , just takes a bit time to get there ( ̄∇ ̄")