For Han Jiwook: add to that a truckload of heart-wrenching regret for traumatising and eventually killing his innocent bro, tbh.

Shocking enough, between the two assholes, I dislike Jiwook worse than Johoon. Johoon is a horrid guy, but Jiwook is the one who called him into their life to fuck up his poor brother's existence. Moreover, back-stories can sometimes save the shittiest of characters and make them at least a little likeable. We've yet to see what made Johoon so cruel and crazy, while we've already seen Jiwook's pathetic little sob-story, which, along with proving his actions were just pointlessly cruel and dramatic and all against the wrong person, also just showed how much of a scum through and through he is. JIWOOK. DESERVES. NO. REDEMPTION.

Joohoon was manipulated but there’s no excuse for what he has done. I think he was willing to help Woojin because he made a mistake and it’s his way to make amend as for Jiwook he’s so blind by his jealousy that someone has to tell him he killed his own brother

He didn't call him in to fuck up his brother's life...? I am really confused as to how you came to that conclusion...? Johoon is the one who manipulated Jiwook into HIS life. Because shit for brains Jiwook wanted to be better than his brother rather than actually targeting the right people for causing him to FEEL that way in the FIRST place, the ADULTS in his life. Johoon capitalized on that. Then when Jiwook got into Johoon's bad books he went with the flow and pushed his brother down into the bottomless pits of the abyss.
Backstories don't make me any more sympathetic to the shittiest of characters. They actually either confirm my opinion of them or make them LESS likeable.
It's for these reasons (and others) that I hate Johoon far worse than Jiwook and always will.

Johoon was not manipulated. It was the other way around. And it sounds like you just let slip a spoiler...?

Excuse me?! Honey, I never mentioned that Johoon was manipulated by Jiwook. I clearly said that the only reason Johoon ever came into Han Siwon's life was because of his trashy brother Jiwook. In simpler terms, I said that Johoon would have had nothing to do with Siwon, much less hurting him and raping him, had that shitty Jiwook not approached him to do so first. If not for Jiwook, Johoon would have nothing to do with Han Siwon.

I definitely agree with you honey. I usually leave some room in my heart for redemption but honestly Han Jiwook can kiss his brothers ass for all I care and I'll probably still never like him. I mean there will never be an excuse big enough to have you sibling mutilated and scarred then they attempt to kill themselves and you STILL act like a massive dick. Nope...his ass whoopin is long over due in my book (︶︿︶)=凸

I agree with all of 100% both men are indeed evil no poiny in trying to say who's more wrong than the other. Both Johoon amd Han Jiwook can fall off a cliff at the end of this story and I will not shed a tear. I agree with the back story analogy. Either it saves their character from being a total dick and maybe even soften my heart a little or completely validate my opinions. And Han Jiwooks backstory set my opinion of him into action. He is no longer a redeemable character to me. But Johoon has a small opening (VERY SMALL) of being slightly liked, though I honestly doubt his character was ever created except to be purely one tracked.
Who knows ( ̄へ ̄)
Let's pray for a beautiful light at the end of this depressing tunnel called Woojin. Let him come in for the big kill and swoop Taemin of his feet ヾ(☆▽☆) and kick both Jiwook/Johoon asses to feed my bitterness ( ̄∇ ̄")

Um, yeah, Jiwook did put Siwon in Joohoon's path deliberately to have him destroyed. Latest chapters. Jiwook was the one who brought Joohoon into Siwon's life. He also distributed the rape videos to get the meanest bullies at school to view him as a cum dump and rape him over and over. I think Joohoon is a horrible person, but based on the actions we've seen, Jiwook is worse. Stabbing your own kin is more evil than stabbing strangers or acquaintances. Jiwook is a manipulative little shit, so he never directly got his hands dirty, but he is just as guilty as all the rapists.
It's seriously nuts that people keep saying Jiwook isn't that bad, or he's not as bad as Joohoon. He prided himself in making his brother known as the resident cum dump. Those were his words. How in the actual fuck is anyone not repulsed to no end by that? Joohoon is a lowlife, but Siwon wasn't his brother. Jiwook did all of this to his brother. A brother who loved him so much. A brother who couldn't read minds, but who would do anything for him.
His fucking sob story means nothing.
Again with taking my babies time away from each other! Han Jiwook! (sweet jesus...HUNNIE! Get. A. Life!!!) It is not hard to find. A little effort; some pinch of humility, spice of charm, and TADA! A whole new life and it can be yours!
As for Johoon...Someone beat his smirk off his face already it's driving me insane. He's demanding, boring, and pompous prick with a HUGE ego to match.
I want my Woojin and Taemin lovin'
Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) is that so much to ask for???? Lol