Well fuck. I think most of us can agree that was a fucked ending and a complete waste of t...

AjinSensei October 11, 2017 12:07 pm

Well fuck. I think most of us can agree that was a fucked ending and a complete waste of time.

    Senpai October 11, 2017 12:36 pm

    agreed the ending fuckin sucked ..they should have both died - I didn't like the red haired bitch from the start

    Aachan October 11, 2017 2:05 pm

    omg agree!!! My friend who reads this too just read the ending today said the same thing too and all I was able to do was pat her shoulder. ╥﹏╥ (I don't even remember how much curse I said after reading the ending too) ╥﹏╥