The second Kei was a delusion, he never existed. He was a representation of what Akutsuga wanted from the real Kei, or I should say, what he thought he wanted. This isn't uncommon with people who have emotional break downs. Likely, from the outside, Akutsuga would have appeared to be moping at home, sleeping and masturbating a lot. He had cloistered himself inside his own fantasy. You might understand this behaviour better if you imagine it as a person who becomes obsessed with a game character and spends all their time playing the game just to be "with" the character they adore. In this case, the character is Kei inside Akutsuga's mind. Obviously, this "character Kei" is within his grasp and the real one is not. Though Akutsuga claims that the "character Kei" is real, there is no proof of this. No one else but Akutsuga sees, hears or touches the "character Kei". Basically, this is a story of what happens to a fragile heart and mind when feelings are deeply suppressed. This happens IRL more often than anyone would like to admit and they rarely end well. The most common outcomes tend to be attempted or successful suicide or homicide with the victim being the object of the obsession. When all is said and done, the moral of the story is "Don't bottle up and suppress your feelings." Even if you have to talk to a total stranger at a bar, a therapist or your pet, let those feelings out somewhere safe. The human psyche is like a pressure cooker, if there is no way to "vent the pressure" it will explode and the clean up will be a nightmare.
I can't say it was sad for me, just confusing. Who was the second kei? That in its self is a huge question that never even got touched on so it left me to feel disconnected from the story. But it was interesting just don't recommend to others unless you like a story were you don't get a clear end.