That was so tiring. Maybe it's my device's fault, skipping a page, prompting me to go bac...

Anonymous October 10, 2017 4:29 am

That was so tiring.
Maybe it's my device's fault, skipping a page, prompting me to go back every time...
Or maybe it's the plot, mainly confessing and rejecting.
I really disliked Ichihara at first because well, he just toyed with her heart. I guessed that he would do that, though... Maybe it's like Gumball's instinct on Alan, that someone who seems too good sometimes has a dark side to them. Towards the end, however, I could see how serious he was, and couldn't help but pity him.
He must have been so filled with regret, but considering the usual plot (it felt as if from the first page onwards, the main character was supposed to end up with Himeno...) They might date but Tsukasa would end up liking Himeno...
When I first saw it, I thought Onda and the glasses boy (one of theost helpful characters, yet I forgot his name... I'm sorry!) would have a background story where they end up together.
By the end of the story, there's a possibility that Onda might end up with Ichihara... I guess it's one of the things you "feel" when reading shoujo due to cliche? I mean, they did spend some together, and Onda seemed to see his most vulnerable side.
