Seme is clearly a hypocrite, he literally had sex with the other guy a few days ago for th...

Anonymous October 8, 2017 8:34 am

Seme is clearly a hypocrite, he literally had sex with the other guy a few days ago for the sake of an 'outlet' , he's a high school student and clearly shows no signs of stress, sex is an option not a need, he can survive without it, in the end he is a horny bastard.

    Mameiha January 11, 2018 6:23 am

    Actually, for males it is a biological need. Semen builds up in the vas and must be released. If this doesn't occur, their testosterone levels go out of whack. That isn't a wives tale, that's biology. Men produce semen and new sperm daily, unlike women who are born with a set number of eggs. Women shed an egg monthly, but men must shed built up sperm at a minimum of weekly. When a man lets "things build up" for too long he will experience nocturnal emissions or find himself aroused or ejaculating at unexpected or inappropriate times. Masturbation is the most common option for single men, however having sex usually tends to be more appealing. Visiting a prostitute or having sex friends then becomes an option. Whether that is right or wrong is a question of personal morals. How a man deals with a biological need for release can be debated and argued as much as you need, but the fact that men have a biological need for release is not up for debate. It's a fact.

    KaoriNite January 19, 2018 4:04 pm
    Actually, for males it is a biological need. Semen builds up in the vas and must be released. If this doesn't occur, their testosterone levels go out of whack. That isn't a wives tale, that's biology. Men produ... Mameiha

    You can call it a biological need to release sperm, but guys can just masturbate. Personally I don't think there's anything wrong with having sex friends, but guys can't use the excuse of biology for sleeping with someone. If they have hands, they can release without needing to sleep with someone else.

    Mameiha January 19, 2018 4:51 pm
    You can call it a biological need to release sperm, but guys can just masturbate. Personally I don't think there's anything wrong with having sex friends, but guys can't use the excuse of biology for sleeping w... KaoriNite

    Well, if you read my entire comment, you see that I said that masturbation is also an option and that the choice between masturbation and visiting a prostitute and/or having sex friends is a personal choice that I have no right to have an opinion about since I'm not the one making the choice. Thus, my comment was focused solely on the fact that the OC was incorrect about the fact that sex is not a biological need. For men, it is.

    Noobiejm January 28, 2018 9:36 am
    Well, if you read my entire comment, you see that I said that masturbation is also an option and that the choice between masturbation and visiting a prostitute and/or having sex friends is a personal choice tha... Mameiha

    I would agree with you on it being biological but I agree with the OC that it is an option not a need I'm 27yr old virgin male and some males may do the things u mentioned but the thing that the mc is pointing out is that the seme liked the uke but still slept with someone for the sake of outlet which was a douche move for reason stated in my above comment.FYI we can survive on our right hand sex is a need but not that much to affect daily life if we don't get it.

    Mameiha January 28, 2018 5:45 pm
    I would agree with you on it being biological but I agree with the OC that it is an option not a need I'm 27yr old virgin male and some males may do the things u mentioned but the thing that the mc is pointing ... Noobiejm

    Aaaand again, as I stated in my reply, that is a personal choice, one I have no right as an individual, a woman and a fellow human being, to criticize or condone. It's not my body or my life. I was ONLY correcting the misconception in the idea that "sex acts are a choice not a physiological need". For men they, in fact, are a physiological need. HOW you choose to release is the option. Since I have been misunderstood and pushed to give an opinion, I think this character was a douche for having sex with someone besides his committed partner rather than just jerking off. His need as a male does not excuse his choice as a person. Do you see the difference yet? Yes, the need is there, but a person's choice in how to fulfil that need is one they make themselves and it shows the kind of character they hold. I NEED to eat, but I CHOOSE to eat healthy. See? Men NEED to release semen, they CHOOSE how they do that through sex with their beloved partner, masturbation, or sex with random strangers. I wouldn't want anyone to berate me for my personal choices, so I refrain, to the limit of my ability, from berating others for theirs. I was correcting an incorrect fact, not making opinions about the character. There is a difference between the two. One, apparently, that has not been taught in school systems for decades. An opinion is what one individual thinks or feels about a fact presented to them. A fact is something that is known or proven to be true. Fact: The character slept with someone else to get release when he already had a commitment to a partner. My opinion: He's a douche, he could have easily jerked off instead. Fact: Men have a physiological need to release semen. My opinion: I don't have one because this is not a situation that requires me to have one. Fact: The sky appears blue due to the refraction of light through the layers of atmosphere. My opinion: Blue is a pretty color. Do you see how fact and opinion differ? One can be disagreed with based on personal preferences and experiences. The other is simply a fact.

    TL;DR I was pointing out a FACT, not debating or giving an opinion. Am I clear now? Since I have said this in EVERY response I have given, I hope that I am. Or do people only read to the point that they feel justified in responding and ignore everything else I said?

    Noobiejm January 28, 2018 7:05 pm
    Aaaand again, as I stated in my reply, that is a personal choice, one I have no right as an individual, a woman and a fellow human being, to criticize or condone. It's not my body or my life. I was ONLY correct... Mameiha

    As I said I agreed with what both you and the oc said i never contradicted what you say about biological need what we are commenting on is the actuals characters actions not the fact you stated and I only said my opinion on the matter and a personal experience as a male as well, what you were pointing at and what we were pointing at are different topics it's related but not necessarily the same so I get what you said but again my comment was more on the character / story and not the fact you stated. Well I do enjoy long comments that actually have meaning so I didn't ignore what you said i just gave my own opinion.

    Mameiha January 28, 2018 8:31 pm
    As I said I agreed with what both you and the oc said i never contradicted what you say about biological need what we are commenting on is the actuals characters actions not the fact you stated and I only said ... Noobiejm

    You're right. I apologize for seeming like I was attacking your comment. I was frustrated by having my statement of fact being misinterpreted as some kind of opinion on the character's actions and I took those frustrations out at your comment. It was unfair and I apologize for my unfairness.

    As I said, I thought his actions were pretty douchey, but I can't fault him for it. Not because he's a guy and "driven by a need", but because I've cheated too. "Need for sexual stimulation" was used as an excuse in this story and it's a lame one. Just as "loneliness" - the excuse he and I both used - is a lame excuse for selfish and destructive behaviour. However, believing that men don't have a "need for sexual stimulation" can also be an opinion that is equally destructive to a relationship and to the men who are intimately, sexually involved with anyone who holds that belief/opinion. If the OC or other females reading this believe that "men don't need sexual release" how will they interpret the sex drive of any future male partner? Will they ignore the physiological and psychological needs of their partners and thus, create a situation where a break up is inevitable? That is the only reason I commented. An opinion based on false information or incorrect facts always end up hurting people. Look at the ideas of "racism", "sexism" and "homophobia". All the "facts" that support the idea of a "superior race" are hogwash and not one is proven. The same can be said about the sexes. The facts that exist to prove one sex is superior over the other - in either direction - are twisted to support the opinion rather than changing the opinion based on the facts. Then, there is the idea that homosexuality is abnormal, when in fact it is normal for any mammalian species population to have from 10% to 23% of its total be homosexual. Sheep, dogs, cats, whales, dolphins and primates all have a percentage of their total population that is homosexual/asexual. That is a fact, one that is ignored because it doesn't fit the popular narrative that heterosexuality is normal and everything else is abnormal. When the facts are incorrect, the opinion is baseless and ignorant. Having an opinion about the character's actions is entirely different from ignoring the facts. The OC had a valid opinion about the character's actions, one I even wholly agree with. However, the REASON the OC gave for the character's excuse being lame was wrong, or at least the way it was worded was incorrect. "Needing release" was a lame excuse, not because "men don't need release", but because sleeping with someone other than his committed partner was not the only option available to get said "release" and the option he chose was destructive to his partner's trust, self-esteem and to their relationship. I believe that everyone is entitled to any opinion they choose to hold, BUT that opinion should be based on correct information, not false or twisted facts.

    Again , I apologize for my unfairness to you. I hope that my behaviour has not tainted any future communications we may have here. Thank you for taking the time to read, respond and share your views. I look forward to talking to you again sometime, if you'll allow me to.

    Noobiejm January 29, 2018 12:16 am
    You're right. I apologize for seeming like I was attacking your comment. I was frustrated by having my statement of fact being misinterpreted as some kind of opinion on the character's actions and I took those ... Mameiha

    No need to apologize I never felt bad about what you said and just like me you were using ur reason by knowledge and experience it can differ from person to person and yes the OC's comment can be interpreted differently I just understood it as him commenting that seme didn't need to have sex with the friend when he was emotionally attached to someone else and could have just opted to confess to the person he actually likes and had sex with him instead, he did confess and he did have sex with the uke but that was after he had sex with another which is why the OC said what he said. I enjoyed the conversation and never have I did so many rereads and rewrites just to make sure I don't screw up on a comment lol. I look forward to sharing thoughts on a manga with you in the future see you on the next one (⌒▽⌒).

    Mameiha January 29, 2018 12:49 am
    No need to apologize I never felt bad about what you said and just like me you were using ur reason by knowledge and experience it can differ from person to person and yes the OC's comment can be interpreted di... Noobiejm

    Thank you for your kindness and understanding. I have to admit, it's been long enough since I've read this manga and I've probably read two or three dozen manga since I read this and replied, that I only vaguely remember the story. Yaoi, such that it is, tends to blend in my mind easily. Sex with others before confessing to "the one" is not only common in yaoi, but it's also been common in my personal experiences as well. Both for myself and among male friends who are gay. So, in a way, I get it and it's never bothered me. I guess when you can't control who you give your "first time" to (if you understand the implications of what I am saying there), you begin to realize who you give your body to means less than who you give your heart to. Anyone can take another person's body by force or a person can sell their body like a commodity, but a person's heart is entirely a different matter. That can't be taken by force and you can't sell it off. We guard our hearts preciously. That also means that we are more likely to do foolish things with our bodies to protect our hearts. Again, I haven't reread this story in a while, so my comments may not even be relevant to the manga. For that, I apologize again. I'm responding only to the things you said in the comment to which I'm responding.

    Thanks again for your kindness and understanding and the effort you put into your response was noted and appreciated. I look forward to more interesting discussions with you in the future.