Yea he does. Here's another spoiler Izumi wanted to top Ryouma and Ryouma didn't want that to happen so he ran away. Izumi got really sad and said that he will be fine being Uke forever if it means Ryouma will be with him. Ryouma goes through this whole phase and finally realize that he is in love Izumi, not his girly looks. Izumi is a guy and he finally agreed to let Izumi top him at the end. I wish I can post pictures to show you.

It's hard to say. I posted the pictures of Izumi topping Ryouma on my Facebook. I'm sorry if the pictures are bad but here's the link https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=181386169098769&id=100016821603327&pnref=story
I wanted to know the end so much, so I bought the manga. Here's a little spoiler
Izumi tops Ryouma
Here's the link to pics