How do you guys think it will end? Some of my wild guesses are: 1. The cop goes bananas an...

Cecilia October 4, 2017 8:17 pm

How do you guys think it will end? Some of my wild guesses are:
1. The cop goes bananas and kills Sangwoo. Then he goes to prison and Bum is left all alone. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Bum killed himself afterwards.
2. Both of them go to jail. Can't really see Sangwoo going to jail alone as he'd take Bum down with him. Then they're stuck together forever.
3, Bum realizes how fucked up Sangwoo is and turns him in (can't really see that happening after everything he's accepted though). He gets pardoned for the murder of the girl because he wasn't in his right mind and under the influence of Sangwoo. He then buys a small cottage in the country and lives out his days happy with all the small animals.
4. Sangwoo blames everything on Bum and he accepts out of "love" and goes to jail instead of Sangwoo only to realize Sangwoo won't even visit him and that he never loved him at all.
5. Sangwoo kills Bum. Then maybe goes to jail... or goes free and lives his psycho days alone. Or maybe he kills himself as well so they'll die together.
6. Sangwoo dies somehow, and Bum goes free. He tries to live normally at first, but he finds that he can't. At the end of the manga we'll see Bum turning into a killer just like Sangwoo. Maybe kills his pedo uncle idk...

Other suggestions? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Anime rules! October 4, 2017 8:22 pm

    Wow..... Thats alot. N #3 just made me laugh a lil N u do have some good ideas but the way this manga is N what i just read..... Idek wats gonna happen next???

    Anonymous October 4, 2017 8:23 pm

    7- Sangwoo turns out to be Pennywise from Stephen King's "It"... That's why he lloked like a clown inBum's dream in the Special chapter.

    Anonymous October 4, 2017 8:23 pm
    7- Sangwoo turns out to be Pennywise from Stephen King's "It"... That's why he lloked like a clown inBum's dream in the Special chapter. @Anonymous

    *looked like

    janvier October 4, 2017 8:41 pm

    i think bum will be the one who killls sangwoo

    Robin Hela October 4, 2017 8:47 pm

    Setting: Sangwoo’s residence
    I think.. Bum may accidentally kill Sangwoo when he is defending himself from the aggression made by the latter... then Bum do not know what to do and at the same time, tears are falling from his eyes.. *then insert flashbacks from their relationship* and he will tell the dead Sangwoo “I am yours”.. he will then carry Sangwoo to bed. Lay beside him. Then wound his wrist. He is then looking to the face of the man he think he loves... Bum smiles and close his eyes. The End!! Hahahaha!!! Thats what i think as of today.

    Nee-San October 4, 2017 8:49 pm

    8. Bum goes totally numb in the head and kills Sangwoo. Maybe triggered by intense trauma.

    Anonymous October 5, 2017 1:06 am

    I don't know how this is going to end. But I want Bum to either denounce Sangwoo or (better) be the one to murder Sangwoo. (for self defense.)