
Maybe not the way I would have worded it but you tell em!

What is truly annoying is that even though the mass majority agrees it was rape I'm certain Bum would claim it was sex if asked by the officer. That's just how unstable his mental state is now so it's almost pointless to defend him as a victim even with the abuse and violence he suffered with Sangwoo he's just a warped victim who can't see the line of love and abuse
he beats and rapes Bum. This was so disgusting and traumatizing for me to read tbh. I literally started crying and quickly flipped through the remaining pages because I didn't wanna watch anymore. I feel so sad for Bum because he believes what he has going on with Sangwoo constitutes as love. It breaks my fucking heart. I think the major problem in this story is that neither Sangwoo nor Bum know what love truly is. I can't be too hard on Bum for being so naive since he was severely abused and treated like a dog for pretty much his entire life. I mean, how is he supposed to know what love is when he was never shown? On the other hand, I don't think Sangwoo is even capable of feelings such as love and compassion since he is most likely a sociopath. I really hope this manhwa ends with Sangwoo getting killed. He's a vile, demented bastard who deserves no sympathy.
Also, those of you who are actually applauding Bum getting raped make me fucking sick. It's one thing to be a crazy, obsessive fangirl, but if you actually condone this kind of shit, you are a sick person and need to reevaluate your life.