It's so cute how he always gets so flustered. (≧∀≦)

It's on yaoi blcd now http://yaoi-blcd.tumblr.com/post/165900502595/old-xian-update-of-19-days-translated-by

Yeah, He Tian's poker face is strange... Maybe Old Xian will show his devilish side next chapter... or maybe he's behaving because someone else is in the elevator and Momo is already freaking out... ?? Or maybe he's being considerate so Momo doesn't get scared? :S

Could be he is being considerate of Mo. Or maybe it was something on his phone. Both chapters he was looking at it. It also could be we're looking too deep into it and next chapter (if they are still in the elevator) he will go back to teasing him. :V
The NEW Update is GOLD WAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=629152884138836&id=100011323915207 Click this one and then comment what you feel after seeing He tian and mo