I did a bit more digging

Beloved September 30, 2017 1:12 am

This was what i was able to find, but even though I found the list for this story I guarantee you won't be able to find the mangas because I couldn't.

Jadou series- volumes 1-6
Jadou Tenmou yatan - side story (Teiou X Keike)
Jadou Hiyokurenri- now i'm not so sure about the volumes for this one but I assume there are 3.
Jadou Bokujounoin- ( this one is the on where Teiou dies T----T)
Jadou Koukairou
Jadou Mugenhouyou
Jadou Renaikaika
Jadou Tenkoukairou

I'm not sure if they are in order, or how many there are, or what most of the stories consist of but i do know that the last five were done by KoudanshaX Bounko White heart. As to where to find the rest of the stories even in raws I have no idea.

    Moonfeather October 11, 2017 6:31 pm

    There are 10 light novels and 6 mangas, plus Teious and Keikas story. I have the light novels at home (but no Japanese language skills to read them).
    I think that the mangas end on a raher frustrating note... -.-

    Beloved October 13, 2017 7:32 am
    There are 10 light novels and 6 mangas, plus Teious and Keikas story. I have the light novels at home (but no Japanese language skills to read them). I think that the mangas end on a raher frustrating note... -... @Moonfeather

    lol yup in the end i did find out there were 10 novels and 6 manga's...i think it was on the website http://www.Ja-dou.com lol ....i know the manga has a happy ending. The novels are another story. Thanks anyway >.<