My thought is that this place is just filled with preteens trying to be edgy and define their own social rules and stigmas, without actually being must part of society, who only point fingers and name call. As though everything belongs in black and white categories so story antagonists and plot devices must be approved by the masses in a chapter to chapter basis because they treat it as though stories should not have any flawed personalities and the sins of story characters are sins of the authors, readers, and the society, that they stay away from. Merely watching from a comfortable window because it's easier than thinking about it, and it's too convenient to think it's some sort of virtue to voice an opinion about every little thing to gain artificial approval to amplify the ego.

You know, i would have agreed with you except there is one extremely big mistake which well...whether you thought was a mistake or not... i had to point out and that is that muslim countries accept rape. As far as i know there is NO religion that accepts rape, so being racist against religions or whatever the word is, is rude and unreliable. And as for the japanese liking rape, i cant say whether they do or not, but again, many but not all of these works are created by young people so it could just be a thing. Either way, while your question is fairly valid, its better not to make assumptions without research.
So that is what i have to say and i am not trying to criticise or pick on your comment, i merely wish to draw and figure out the truth to your assumptions "the muslims and japanese accept rape".

Ah, I put "acceptable" in quotes because my post was already getting too long to argue semantics. Sure, in recent years, laws have been changing to be less forgiving to WOMEN(yes WOMEN) but Islam as a religion DOES have very dubious laws about rape and violence. So maybe not "accepting" as you seem to think that is "rude" and "unreliable".
But the laws rarely if ever protect the women who have been raped. Sharia law requires FOUR witnesses to prove that a woman has been raped or the perpetrator to confess that he did the raping. But this rarely EVER happens. Look into wiki and other sources and see how Islam law (which is accepted by countries) say about it. From ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_and_violence): "Most cases of prosecutions are when the woman becomes pregnant, or when she has been raped, seeks justice and the sharia authorities charge her for zina, instead of duly investigating the rapist."
Here's more: "Zina only applies for unlawful sex between free Muslims; the rape of a non-Muslim slave woman is not zina as the act is considered an offense not against the raped slave woman, but against the owner of the slave." So rape of "slaves" are acceptable. And it's viewed as a wrong-doing to the OWNER of the slave.
I could go on about stuff like honor killings (link below), honor rapes and much more. Rapes and abuse that happen in marriages have no consequences. Even though Islam itself doesn't condone it, there is nothing to protect women. And when they cannot take the abuse and ask for a divorce or she tries to run away, they are "honor killed". Just google "honor rape" and see what that turns up.
So maybe rape isn't exactly acceptable but laws which let people get away with perpetuating it and essentially do NOTHING to protect thousands (the number is impossible to estimate) of victims dying and suffering is "accepting" rape. It's letting it happen, letting perpetuators get away with it. And there are more perpetrators who will continue because they know that no matter what the "law" says, they CAN get away with it.
As for my assumptions about Japanese people and communication, I do think there are research that show that japanese people are more polite and care more about how they will be perceived than getting what they actually want to say across(link below). Just do a quick google scholar search. My other projection about rape-play and communication are just that, thoughts that came across my mind - posed as a question. I don't mean to make any general assumptions but wanted to see what people's thoughts are on this. I couldn't find much research on it and don't speak japanese and can't directly ask Japanese people. But if I were to find more info on it, it would be great. At the time being I'm happy to hear other people's thoughts on it.
I don't think a person like the uke would exist in the non-fictional world. I mean even if they do publish ero manga, the repercussions of sexually harassing a prospective employee would be pretty harsh (at least in the US). The seme would also probably get extremely creeped out at the uke's advances. Like it would never get to the uke blowing him. He could probably walk off and not be "held back" by the seme who just grabbed his hand. In the real world, no matter HOW turned on you are you wouldn't lose all reason and just give in. Like how often does this happen in the real world? Maybe it's slightly realistic if they're 15-16-year-olds but even then the repercussions of sexual harassment and rape would probably make them not get into a situation like that, to begin with. Being prisoned, being outcasted by society are pretty big consequences to most people - enough for their brains to go "wait, should i really be doing this?" before their "body starts acting on its own". There's a reason why countries, where it's "acceptable" to rape (like some muslim countries), have a very high rape occurrence.
In yaoi manga, it's usually shown that the seme is so horny and turned on from the uke that he loses all reason and just goes in raw. And the uke is also so turned on that despite him not wanting it, his body will usually "respond" and he'll end up enjoying it. In the real world, even if your body starts "responding" if you REALLY don't want it, you will have enough reason to oppose, stop the rape from occurring. Especially if you're not tied/pinned down and you are as strong as the person raping you. In the real world, people also don't immediately get a hard on just by being touched. Not everyone gets turned on by that kind of "play". Some people would probably just be so startled that they DON'T get turned on. The most annoying part is how the uke keeps interacting with the SEME like how the things he does are just his "bad personality". No one at my workplace makes more coffee if they take the last cup. That's annoying and we lightly joke about it - just like how the other employees in the manga joke about the seme sexual harassing and raping.
But this is the yaoi world. Here, people don't think of the repercussions of rape at all, everyone's so horny that they "lose all reason". Every uke gets hard and turned on just by being touched. So much that they get "weak" and can't resist. It also makes me wonder why these situations exist in yaoi a lot. Even r18 drama cds which are marketed towards straight females. Like do Japanese people just like this kinda stuff? I know people get turned on by the idea of being desired so much that they can't help it. But, there is usually communication. Rape play and stuff happens after you get comfortable with someone, after giving your consent, with a reserved safe-word and everything. I mean I know that japanese people don't communicate and talk about their true feelings(saying yes to invitations to "save face" even if you don't wanna go, stuff like that). So maybe if they get turned on by the idea of forced sex, they can't talk about it because it's "embarrassing" so they just expect to get raped and when that happens, they just half-heartedly resist while actually enjoying it.
Is their definition of rape different from ours? Where is the line where it's being seduced vs being forced?