no offense but !

ninereeds September 29, 2017 2:07 pm

stop excusing veronica lol......... i get that she was raised in a close minded environment but that does nothing but provide a REASON for her mindset, not an excuse. she's an obsessive, homophobic, manipulative liar. that's all there is to it. nobody should feel sorry for someone like that, regardless of if they need help or not. that's like excusing a serial killer (cough, cough, gale) for being sick when they still killed people.

    claraphi September 29, 2017 5:38 pm

    But Gale is such a sweetheart, but isn't he a hired killer instead of a serial killer?

    maychan September 29, 2017 11:22 pm

    I agree! a shame they will never kill her for what she doing, this liar bitch!!