Up above ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

El Nino Effect and global warming caused by HOMO Sapiens is the brief and factual explanation.

Stop trying to have an explanation for everything please. That's what science pushes....THERE'S ALWAYS A REASON AND IT'S CAUSED BY HUMANS! No. The amount of times I've read "Homo sapiens" today is mind numbing. There is no such thing as monkey's becoming humans. There's no such thing as cavemen. There's no such thing as the big bang. Evolution is laughable. And before you say "THERE'S NO PROOF THAT A GOD EXIST!" Your conscience is proof enough. Ever hear that voice "Don't do it."

Nope never heard any voices in my head might be tinnitus.

You're taking things too literal. This is why you're a fool. Just to point this out....I'm not talking about schizophrenia. Although....you might have it since you're so demonized. ; D

I assume English is not your first language. Better correct your spelling and grammar first and yes my name is Satan.

guess science also can't explain earthquakes, or tornadoes, or forest fires. Actually...none of that really exists. It's all a government plot. The flooding in Houston? Never happened. It was all photoshopped. I could tell you what is really going on...but then I'd have to kill you.
Someone dropped out of school real early...probably the result of an alien abduction

I'm actually going to graduate next year with honours and a 4.0 GPA, I guess I should have saved myself all the trouble and just stayed home :)

Hmmm...I am assuming you are the annonymous that made the El Nino comment. If so, my comment was meant for the genius who said science can't explain hurricanes (I am assuming this is the same person who has some serious issues with conspiracy theories and is a raging homophobe).
If you are, in fact, the person that keeps proving the old saying that it's better to remain silent and appear stupid than open your mouth and remove all doubt, then you have either just proven yourself a troll or our education system has totally failed.

That's actually America. Thank you for your forlorn words, I'll be sure to note that down on a TP. I thought that there was only one troll anon, now we have two, how perplexing. I think I'm going to hit the hay for now. Auf Wiedersehen
More hurricanes coming your way! Science will definitely explain that! ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ Oh wait.....It can't! They'll give you a type of "Educational" response. Doesn't explain why so much destruction is happening at this PARTICULAR moment of time.