Questioning Sexuality; HELP MEEEEE

Asher1529 September 27, 2017 3:47 pm

So I've been facing some problems nowadays, I had assumed I was straight because I was always attracted to boys. But then, all of a sudden, I started to waver and now I think I'm attracted to girls and boys. Cause, I always find my eyes wandering over to girls and subtly checking them out, theres this one girl that I crave hugs from. I have taken some online tests about sexuality and most answers were bi, but I'm not quite sure, does this mean I'm bi?

    quix0ticpanda September 27, 2017 4:19 pm

    if you feel in yourself that you're sexually attracted to both males and females, then you are bi. take time figuring it out, dear. sometimes it's just a phase for some.

    mariashi September 27, 2017 4:41 pm

    I feel you. When I started high school, I've always thought I was straight, but when I was in 11th grade there was this girl that had always caught my eye. She had a cool and chill aura. I heard from my friend that she was Bi, so that's when I was interested in her for the first time. Whenever the teacher was talking, I would unconsciously just stare at her and observe her actions. When senior year came, we sat near each other and she would be in my group for cooking class. We would argue sometimes because we are both stubborn and would point out and state our opinions, but there was this one time she called me cute after something happens I'm not sure what we were doing at that time. And at that moment my heart bagan to race really fast. As the semester passed, I had a growing urge to kiss her and hug her. I wanted to be more than friends with her. But I sex nevertheless crossed my mind. So I thought I Bi-curious. But when college came, I started to realize that I'm most likely biSexual because I would be nervous around the type of girls that I like. And I would get turned on sometimes... sigh... but I'm not 100% sure if it's just a phase or if I'm really bi.

    mariashi September 27, 2017 4:46 pm

    Sorry there are some typos and grammar mistake. I typed this on my phone ^ - ^ so it was hard to fix and retype

    mariashi September 27, 2017 4:49 pm

    Oh! And there was this one time in my dream I started making out with a girl, but I don't know her. I don't know if I was just sexually frustrated or felt the need to get a partner because I've never been in a relationship before since my parents are really strict about it.

    ebjean September 27, 2017 7:34 pm

    Sexuality is on a continuum, and it's perfectly natural and normal to feel somewhat differently at different times in your life, though many will not admit that they do. It sounds like you're pretty young; there is no need to define yourself as anything if you don't want to. If available, you might want to try some social groups in your area or when you start college (I'm assuming you are younger than that - my apologies if wrong) to get to know some folks identifying a variety of ways. It might help you clarify things for yourself.