This may be a bit weird to hear

Outtatime September 24, 2017 2:49 am

I would actually be okay if this ended here and that was it. Everyone is freaking out saying that this can't be the end, but I think this is the perfect ending. Yes it's sad and messed up, but it is also tragically poetic. Just as he started to accept everything and get his life together to think about the future, it was when he saw Jae-ha and chased after his past that he came to an end. They also both died in the same way, chasing after each other. It's sort of like that thing of how it ends where it started. I honestly really like this ending and wouldn't have done it any differently. I don't think this could have been done any other way and still have kept this story's overall tone and have been as good. Not every story has to end happily, but in a way this did end happily is you think of how accepting and at peace the main character was.

    Dre September 24, 2017 2:23 pm

    But the issue for me is this isn't the ending there's one more chapter left. Granted it might be an alternate ending, but I definitely did read it. It was posted in the comments awhile ago.