let me list the plots: -plot 1- seme: "uke-chan, i have a hard life, so you should let me...

BWAHA September 23, 2017 6:23 pm

let me list the plots:

-plot 1-
seme: "uke-chan, i have a hard life, so you should let me beat you up a bit and treat you like shit, ok. RAEP TIEM."
uke: "ahn~. ok~."

-plot 2-
seme: "lemme rape you because of loooove~! slurp slurp slobber slurrrp RAEP TIEM."
uke: "ahn~. ok~."

-plot 3-
(uke was raped by other additionale characters)
seme: "see, see?? those guys rape you, so I'M the better person for raping you! lemme RAEP TIEM."
uke: "ahn~. ok~."


seme: "you've just been raped by those other additionale characters. lemme RAEP TIEM you to erase your trauma."
uke: "ahn~. ok~."

-plot 4-
seme: "actually, i rape and kidnap you for your own good. if i didn't then some other people will rape you instead. aren't i nice? RAEP TIEM."
uke: "ahn~. so you actually love me~. ok~."

-plot 5-
seme: "you DARE to let others rape you?!?! RAEP TIIEEEM!!"
uke: "ahn~. ok~."

-plot 6-
(uke got fever from injuries caused by seme's rape or jealousy)
seme: "that's why i told you not to resist. if you hadn't resisted, i would've been able to hit you a bit lighter and rape you a bit less painful. here, drink the medicine so i can rape you more."
uke: "ahn~. you must love mee~. ok~."
seme: "RAEP TIEM."

anything i miss?

    Fueru September 23, 2017 6:32 pm

    Lord. Lol.

    Nadd September 23, 2017 9:15 pm

    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ IKR

    mariashi September 24, 2017 12:40 am

    OMG sounds plausible LMAO

    potatoesbeliek September 24, 2017 8:27 pm

    im laughing sO hard at how accurate this is

    raziesgirl September 28, 2017 3:10 pm

    OMG so true so true too funny it shouldn't be but it is

    lenalena September 28, 2017 3:28 pm

    This made me crack up.

    Palz4u September 28, 2017 3:38 pm

    Awesome plots and I am dead sure one will be exactly the original one.. ha ha ha..