Yoooo you should know about the philippines gods and goddesses!! They are legit gay and they dont even try to hide it lmao XD
Il give you some info! so some of the coolest people/ couple in the philippine mythology is Sidapa and Bulan. Sidapa is like a god of death who is very intimidating and scary (he looks like hes the seme lmao) and then Bulan is 1 of the 9 beautiful moons, hes very cute and kind.(pretty sure hes the uke) they are a couple going on multiple adventures. And from the time since Sidapa was eyeing on Bulan to when they already met and are in love, the history got that all written down, i swear learning all about our philippine history felt more like reading a yaoi than a history book
Sidapa and Bulan are together as a couple in the philippine histories but just being hidden and shoved away. Nowadays all we see about gods and goddesses are the roman or greek ones. But the Philippines has a very cool mythology too, they were hidden and replaced during the spanish colonial period. At that time they thought the gods and goddesses our ancestors made was weak and basically "not good" so they replaced it. Thats why all we learn about now are just some shallow love stories with probably a girl named maria or rosa and a guy thats probs named juan or felipe.. -_-
There are so much more cute stories in our philippine mythology, not just homo ones but also some other badass and amazing ones. Like the 9 gorgeous and powerful moons ( Bulan is part of that) or like the handful of people coming for Bulan's ass (lmao),theres a completely different story for that. Its just like any other history, its vast and filled with different kinds of character and morals,only ours it was very homo lmao
Idk if you read this long ass reply lmao, its just something i find to be really nice and underrated so i just wanted to share it. You should search what Sidapa and bulan looks like to give you some clue lol, thanks for reading anyways!ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

I seriously searched about it and I can't believe that it's all true. I was like WOW! I'm so amaze by it. I didn't know that there are stories like that. Hah... I'm still... I'm still amaze. Now I knew that there are a lot more to our history than what we are taught.. and I think It's amazing I mean who would imagine that a small country like ours could have that kind of stories. Philippine Myths are really really interesting it's just sad that some school don't focus on teaching and telling the students about it.#-.-)

It was shared by our Econ Professor, she apparently studied Philippine History while she was in America. Apparently some books say that the cross was given to her youngest wife and other books say that it was given to a different Datu. She said De Legazpi did gave other Datus a crosses too but it was only given as gift for converting into Catholicism, and there was even a theory that the cross the wife received was secretly for Datu Sikatuna and it was only address to her to avoid scandal. And it was believed that Legazpi was bankrupt in late years was not because of his conquests (you can actually earn money from that and it was funded by the king) but because he was supporting the tribe of Sikatuna which was suffering even before they met because of attack of Portuguese. And that some of Filipinos who adapted the Lopez and Legazpi names are from tribe of Sikatuna who had affairs with Spaniards (mix blood).

That's what my teacher criticized about. A lot of teachers just read one textbook of Philippine history with no research and give lecture to students. I quite agree with her. Language and History should be different subjects. There's a lot of mistakes in our circulated textbooks even with those certified by the Dep-Ed you can only be enlightened if you have a professor who actually studied history.
My teacher discussed how a lot history teachers are under qualified to teach, and at one point shared a tale before Spanish colonization of my country; Miguel Lopez De Lagazpi (Spanish Governor/Navigator) was sent to Philippines. He came to the Island of Bohol. At first the natives were hostile for they were mistaken as Portuguese. He built a good relationship with the locals by sending an envoy to speak and clear the misunderstanding and offer gifts to the Datus including Datu Sikatuna (Chieftain). After sometime He sent many of his men to shore to invite the Datu to his ship in order to meet and deepen their friendship, and the Datu was compelled to accept the invitation. They met for the first time and fell in love . They made a 'Sandugo' or blood compact, which at that time more exceptional than that of marriage . And though it was rarely mentioned, it happened behind the first constructed church which was called Baclayon Church which bacla or bakla in our language means gay. He gifted the Datu with a cross and in return the Datu gave him something which no one knows what it was but it was said to be valuable the night before their parting. ˉ”( ⑉¯ །། ¯⑉ )ˉ” (this is me having a nosebleed)
I was excited after hearing this and just wanted to share as soon as the class was over. I didn't know if it was true or not. Everyone's welcome to share their thoughts except haters.