no climax, no point, no meaning

Yaoi! Kinda like Yahoo I got all A pluses in my exam, I scream Yaoi not Yahoo!

It's an acronym! It actually came from "Yama nashi, ochi nashi, imi nashi" which essentially means "No climax, no fall, no meaning". I've heard it translated roughly to "No plot, no point, no purpose" in English too.
It was coined in the 70s after they basically said that yaoi was like shonen ai but without all the complicated plot and backstory so it was to the point and easy to understand.

Yaoi - To the point or Bull's-Eye, hits you right in the kokoro xO
Yuri is lily, bara is rose, hentai is pervert (really goes against the rest of the flower theme, lol). What does yaoi actually mean?