Like bro
any good uncensored colored BL where it's just two friends who end up fucki...
Ugly man babies
help me find!
Any transmigration/isekai bls?? also how do i find the tags for that if it ...
Cute romance manhwa
Can anyone give me Manga Yaoi about things like Badboy/bullyXSweet, Pretty,...
Random question lol
HELPP i forgot the name but it was a baseball BL and one of them had brown ...
Hi guys! Can you help me find the title of this manga with the summary like :
There's a boy loved his brother and hated his male lover in his childhood (saw them had sex) and after years he was going out with a man that looks like his brother's lover. They working lab like place and after it was cleared that actually his brother was himself so it is about time travel. It was not a long story. And he tried to keep his hair long to in order to look like his brother. But one day he and his lover save a boy from past time. Then uke understood everything and decided to make new begining and start really love his lover. Even in sex scene, when seme said child was watching, he said let him. And I remember seme was big, black haired, dog like man. The child was rememering his brother in some field and at least, child was sent his time and those two scolded for interfering with the time.