Uh, what? No, she doesn't deserve it. She did NOTHING for that to happen to her. Living a little means you WOULD have learned that. Or do you not know what the word 'deserve' means? That's sad if you don't. And, unless you're 60, don't tell me to grow up.
Doing nothing doesn't exempt anyone from getting rejected. If you've never been rejected, you haven't lived yet. Being rejected always feels brutal, no matter how gentle the other person tries to be, and sometimes brutal is the more gentle way of doing it, and often the only way to get it across. Everyone who has ever been rejected feels that they didn't deserve it, so do their relatives. Being human means that you will sometimes have to choose between two people. By the sheer truth that the girl in the story will inevitably reject someone in her life makes her and the rest of us deserving of our own share of rejection. C'est la vie, you know?
I'll just take it literally :) I may be wrong, But I just wanted to share my thoughts and my experiences with you. It's up to you to even read it or totally ignore it. I agree with you when you said that any rejection is painful. But, it doesn't mean you have to do it in a harsh way. I know what you mean when you said "it's often the only way to get it across". But when people cling to to you without realizing it's over, it means they are not ready and need more time. Don't get me wrong and I'm not saying to give them false hope- that is cruel indeed. However, things aren't just black and white. There is a clear distinction between clearly saying that it's over and just calling random and saying "I want to break up" without any chance to for a reasonable dialogue just so you current love can feel assured. If I were "Rin" of this hypothetical situation, I would feel more anxious, not reassured, coz what's happening to the girl right now would happen to me if the guy ever falls out of love. It seems you lived longer to realize that no love is eternal right!
A guy did a similar thing with one of my girlfriends. He actually sent her ex a message and blocked her from all of his contact so that my friend would feel secure. At that time she thought of him "so romantic" despite my warning. However, they broke up one year after college and he did the exact same thing to her too. She came to me crying and complained how he should have "at least respected her enough to tell it to her face and how she just wants to know why so she can find some closure". And I was thinking to myself 'but you though it to be romantic when you were on the other end". Of course I didn't tell her that, and just comforted her. I think if you love and truly care about someone, you cannot ignore their well-being even when you find someone else with whom you are more in love. You don't even have to be "in love and fall out of love" to be considerate (like the case with the story) towards another human being. It's just my though as a guy who only lived for 30 years. what do you think?
I agree with you 100% "we will all get it sooner or later"- what kind of bulshit is that?! I'm glad that you expressed your opinions, or would have lost all hope thinking the world is filled only with messed up people... Cheers mate!
I love the way Sousuke handled the timing of breaking up with the gf on the phone. He saved Rin from having more tears and even one more second of pain. It was perfect. In Matsuo's notes he says how much he likes the Sousuke character.