Kyosuke didnt want to lose his memories but he was so drugged that he lost them and ended up in a hospital. Boss wanted him dead (they rape and kill him, film that and sell it on a black market - unfortunately its actually a thing in real life too) but everything happened like that so that Kyousuke survived.

Uhmm, then Boss was bluffing when he said he would erase his memory, his true intention was kill him and he was only playing with him. isnt it? thanks!
Itou recovered his memories totally after leaving Kyou in the hospital or something like that? What I dont place well in the timeline is the 6th chapter

After that "heartfelt" confession atop the piles of money, the pair planned to elope.
The boss wanted Itou-in-killer-machine-mode himself to kill kyousuke to further drive the point that he is right. The miscalculation of the boss is Ito moving his body despite having his brain tampered with, which resulted into this hypno-like "machine mode" thing. His heart still remembers and that is what the boss tried to reject even from long ago (prequel). That he is wrong after all, and human cannot just function with the brain alone. So itou-san shot him. This is not about kyosuke, this is between Itou and the boss. He doesn't care if kyosuke survives or not from the drug as long as he recovers his "creation" so I think he's let kyosuke go but he do feel that it'll be a bonus if kyosuke forgets either from trauma or drugs. As it is, everything went against his plan and his life is threatened so he finally let Itou-san go and do whatever he wanted.
Chapter 6 is related to the first few episodes. It is done in itou's POV where he started being "human", not a cold killing machine, where everything is a blur and orders are the only one important. And it started his desire of eloping with the one he loved. It's not that serious at the start but who knew it would actually happen in the end. Something like that.

after chap. 5, itou eventually "woke up", much similar to how it happened at chapter 6 and maybe that's why it was made to serve as our reference. he has half-woken up when the boss made him shoot kyosuke. it really doesn't matter when he fully woke up since there wasn't much even about it except that in the span of 5 years, he's getting himself acquainted with the kyosuke who now had an ordinary, peaceful life.

Oh, thank you very much! You have explained quit well, now I get it. It broke my heart how Kyousuku begged for keep his memories of Itou. This manga is too much for my heart.

So Kyosuke request to not lose his memories when they were capturated but at the end he lose them anyway, was that a miscalculation of the boss? and when the boss got shooted Itou seemed to be still amnesic but Kyou didnt. So what happened? and when Kyou requested to keep their memories, what he is saying is that in enchange he will give his life?
And that extra in ch 6 when they are in a hotel, when happen? It cant be when they have eloped cause the only night they have sex was in the warehouse over that mountain of money, right? but if it is when kyousuke was still a prostitute why he behave like that? he didnt realize and give voice of his feelings after he quit his job.
Very sorry for the drag but if someone wanna help me to understand it it would be great. Im thinking of this over and over because has impacted me very hard, im so overwhelmed.