He's gay, so why wouldn't he be upset that they were trying to force him to have sex with girls? He grew up around the sea so he went to a place where he felt most comfortable after being made to feel very UNcomfortable? What's so surprising about that? Further to that, he's ALSO said many times before that he felt uncomfortable with his sexuality and wanted to try it just once before giving up, so why is it surprising that he would fantasize about having sex with someone of the same sex after witnessing an orgy? And, didn't you see the part in the story about his father? After all, if you did, why would you be so surprised that he would try to find some secluded, private spot, in the first place (as he's ALSO mentioned at least once in the story), to enjoy his fantasies? T.
He walks in on an orgy, they try to force him into participating so he gets so upset that he jumps into the sea and masterbates..? Well, this sure was a ride