Hyung does deserve better. From the beginning he knew he was signing up for a emotional co...

Tyrell September 10, 2017 9:48 pm

Hyung does deserve better. From the beginning he knew he was signing up for a emotional coaster. That Subin wanted someone to be there to catch him when he falls. Subin knew he was using him from the beginning and even if he felt disgusted, he knew Hyung wouldn't leave him alone when he needed him.

Hyung even said "You're a giant narcissistic, opportunist, baby. And you treat me as a last resort." He knows where Subin's feelings lie and that's the saddest part of it all. That he knows he's going to get hurt, but he can't imagine not having Subin by his side, so he's hoping that it's enough if he makes up for the pain he felt up until now now that they're dating.

However, even if Subin forgets his pain momentarily when they're in their own world in Hyung's apartment, that's only temporary. That love he feels for Hyunwoo is just waiting for him when he opens the door.

    Psychological freak September 10, 2017 10:10 pm

    Stopppp, you're making me want to cry. #-.-)

    Hyung's character is developing and my heart skipped a beat when he tried to say ''I love you'' over the phone... ahh. I dont want him to get hurt, he probably signed up for this situation with some kind of hope turning Subin's feelings around.

    I dont know, but I dont want him to go back to his old love. (︶︿︶)=凸

    Chogiwa.yixing September 11, 2017 12:37 am
    Stopppp, you're making me want to cry. #-.-)Hyung's character is developing and my heart skipped a beat when he tried to say ''I love you'' over the phone... ahh. I dont want him to get hurt, he probably si... Psychological freak

    I don't want Hyung to be hurt ╥﹏╥

    :) September 11, 2017 1:35 am

    Hyung said that? I don't remember reading any of that!

    Tyrell September 11, 2017 5:56 am
    Hyung said that? I don't remember reading any of that! @:)

    It's from the official translations on lezhin. The translations are kinda off here and don't really convey the characters or the story, I feel.

    Like on chapter 26 on mangago in regards to Subin asking what happens when he gets bored and kicks him out after he moves in. Hyung says: "What I've done for you is something special, I can't do that."
    Subin: "we are going out now... don't, do it, really..."

    But in the lezhin translations Hyung says: "I'm too invested to do something like that."
    Subin: "Invested? So that's why you want to... go steady with me?"

    I highly recommend if you have the means, buy some coins and purchase all the chapters and you'll see a difference in this story

    Kouhai-kun September 11, 2017 8:50 am

    I agree with hyung knowing that it was an emotional rollercoaster but hopping in anyway but I dont think its as extreme as "cant imagine subin not being by his side"

    since the beginning he had made it clear that he doesnt like subin and even now, he insists that he doesn't (lmao)

    I think it's more of he's falling in love and he needs subin to stick around to know for sure. Idk about easing subins pain but while he talks about it, I dont think that's the reason why he wants to go out with him

    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Lov_lymj September 11, 2017 8:52 am

    this i hope we'll get a S3 where Hyung will get his own happy- ending, I really wish Subin would stop running away and face Hyunwoo + his feelings head on. Hyung doesn't deserve to be used and toyed with like this.

    Tyrell September 11, 2017 9:27 am
    I agree with hyung knowing that it was an emotional rollercoaster but hopping in anyway but I dont think its as extreme as "cant imagine subin not being by his side"since the beginning he had made it clear that... Kouhai-kun

    He says that in the beginning of chapter 26. This is word for word on lezhin ->

    Subin: "You said... you don't even like me."
    Hyung: "I may have said that, but that's not how I feel now. And I don't know what I'll do if I don't have you by my side."

    It's true that he didn't like Subin's behaviour, going as far as to say other than his looks there's not much else to him. That he was immature and how he wanted to see what he looks like when he hits rock bottom.
    However, you can clearly see in each chapter how much Subin affects him

    Tyrell September 11, 2017 9:50 am
    this i hope we'll get a S3 where Hyung will get his own happy- ending, I really wish Subin would stop running away and face Hyunwoo + his feelings head on. Hyung doesn't deserve to be used and toyed with like t... Lov_lymj

    True that. I feel like by running away from hyunwoo, he's saying 'Fuck you, I waited five years for you to love me and now you can finally feel the way I did all this time.'

    It's just prolonging the envitable of it leading up to them fighting, hyunwoo kissing him, Subin fighting it, then giving in, then bam! They're suddenly in a hotel room fucking.

    Kouhai-kun September 12, 2017 3:43 pm
    He says that in the beginning of chapter 26. This is word for word on lezhin ->Subin: "You said... you don't even like me."Hyung: "I may have said that, but that's not how I feel now. And I don't know what ... Tyrell

    I see, I wasn't aware of this. Ive only bought until chapter six so far. But I will be buying all of them eventually ^^

    Although I know that subin will most likely end up with hyunwoo i cant help but hope that he returns hyungs' feelings ㅠㅅㅠ tho im not really sure if being with subin would be the best for hyung

    Tyrell September 13, 2017 9:16 pm
    I see, I wasn't aware of this. Ive only bought until chapter six so far. But I will be buying all of them eventually ^^Although I know that subin will most likely end up with hyunwoo i cant help but hope that h... Kouhai-kun

    Here's chapter 26 if you wanna read the part where he says it https://cloudup.com/cy-Nm8St48l
