Things I noticed in this chapter so far...

✿Cup of Tea✿ September 10, 2017 7:15 am

The sudden appearance of Bum's uncle
He scratched/stabbed his uncle on his hands but there are no traces of blood left on the floor and knife (Can indicate to Bum having hallucinations which kind of implicates that Bum is depress or like Sangwoo is the only left thread that is holding him before breaking down completely
The cop must be bluffing when he said Sangwoo confessed everything so that Bum will tell them everything

Well I ain't smart so these are the only one that I have noticed! The plot of this story is really ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Zeffyra September 10, 2017 10:20 pm, some1s using logic...
    well...if u see it on another view... the whole story might just be bum's hallucination... .

    ✿Cup of Tea✿ September 11, 2017 8:38 am, some1s using logic...well...if u see it on another view... the whole story might just be bum's hallucination... .aw...bye... Zeffyra

    Ohhhh it might be

    Ahahaha now I really want to see the ending of this story!