NEWS: The author's continuing this! Yup that's it.

Tsuikatan September 8, 2017 3:24 am


The author's continuing this!

Yup that's it.

    Airi023 September 8, 2017 10:59 am

    Bless you for this good news. It made my day (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Tsuikatan September 8, 2017 5:52 pm
    Bless you for this good news. It made my day (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Airi023

    Now I dont have to die with regret anymore

    Airi023 September 9, 2017 7:34 am

    IKR. When I was reading one of the latest chapters, the translator said that the author's contract with the publisher ended and there's a possibility that the series would be stopped, so I seriously regretted reading it since it will be unfinished but now, I'm feeling excited for the continuation of the story. THIS WORK IS ONE OF THE BEST STORIES I'VE EVER READ ┗( T﹏T )┛

    malaya September 14, 2017 2:19 pm

    the best news i've received this week :)

    nelkk October 30, 2017 2:50 am

    I believe this information is incorrect. I checked her Weibo and afaik, she's working on something entirely new. She might have lost all rights to ChoukaKou to her previous publisher so we're not sure if this will continue.

    Tsuikatan October 31, 2017 11:29 pm
    I believe this information is incorrect. I checked her Weibo and afaik, she's working on something entirely new. She might have lost all rights to ChoukaKou to her previous publisher so we're not sure if this w... nelkk

    I hope you checked the new update haha

    Kpop bromance January 9, 2018 2:02 pm


    Deuiche January 20, 2018 9:26 am

    IDK if I should believe this (bc I heard there's still a legal rights battle to this manga) but I'll keep an open mind. But I do believe it'll take a whole LOT of time before she can resume this series sadly. Give or take another year or so :(
    Maybe that's why she started her new series (Prologue to Chang Ge Xing) because it might take a long time to resume this.
    Nonetheless, I wish she wins her court battle to the rights of this Manga and for her good health to be okay.

    Tsuikatan January 21, 2018 5:25 am

    I really remember reading somewhere that she'd won the lawsuit, but why now it seems like I didn't read it but in my dream? Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    Spring May 13, 2021 2:43 pm

    this comment didn't age well

    Tsuikatan May 13, 2021 9:34 pm
    this comment didn't age well Spring

    Don't remind me ╥﹏╥