He's already left Takaba.

I somehow get the weird vibe that underneath the main couple of Asami & Takaba, there's also the 4some involving them and Fei Long and the Russian guy. Between these four there might be temporary odd pairings for whatever reason (like there was with Takaba & Fei Long) to make things sexy, but the emotional ones will be the more permanent ones. Strangely I have a gut feeling that the Russian guy and Fei Long will end up together. In the end while these guys may want to compete with one another, they seem as interested IN one another, way too much so to ever allow each other to be killed.

@amberwaves I know that all to well ....it's exactly as u say even I feel that Fei long and the Russian guy will end up together ...after all ,all the significant guys (apart from the MCs)in yaoi have to have their own potential pairings which cannot collide with the main pairing ....so even if the side characters have their love interest amongst the main pairing, as per the rule they will eventually move on and find love with someone they initially had no feelings (or even the slightest attraction )for ....sigh .....
PS: I still want to see some hot and smexxxxxxy time between Asami and Fei ...OHHH how I wish this was possible ...

I want to see that, Asami cough cough doing Fei from behind

@anonymous .....finally someone understands .... just look at the amount of dislikes .It's like people can't take anything which doesn't subscribe to the stereotypical yaoi standards .
Man but Fei and Asami are so hot together ....there is so much angst between them...and m a sucker for angsty pairings ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Boring as hell their stereotypical standarshit, bro

"PS: I still want to see some hot and smexxxxxxy time between Asami and Fei ...OHHH how I wish this was possible ..."
Quote your words hornycat, many of us are here waiting for smexy time with Asami and Fei and people who put dislikes are like jealous horny wives. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

It's not impossible. They'll be together. Everything's happening just to get them together.

explain it please.

You'd better read the mangga yourself, or wait for the author to explain it to you. You can also go to Twitter and ask the author if she would like to explain to you now.

You can choose to wait and see miracles happen.

miracles happen any time, don't you know? be honest, you're this burning salty that just one glance of Asami to adorable FeiLong sama and you'll want to torture yamane sensei with your twitts to ask crying why Asami sama gave a glance to Feisama, like if Takaba's bottom were yours and not his
some people are salty as f.........did a girl with pretty face and long hair stole your boyfriend while you were giving blows to sleazy guys, the worst: for free? ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

All these 'Anonymous' accounts got me all jumbled ...LOL XDDD the entire time I was thinking there was just one person contradicting herself/himself but now that I read the comments carefully ,am guessing there are probably 3-5 people with the same account name ....
LOL that was a serious mind fuck right there ...
PS:No offence to any of you but it was funny if u read it the way I read it ....

If you don't choose a name the comment will go under anonymous anyway and, yes, it looks like 2 or 3 people here.
even though I know it's mot possible I want to see Asami fucking Fei long so bad XD........I SHIP THEM JUST TOO FUCKING HARD (≧∀≦)