I beg to differ. I've stayed over my bf house gone to sleep with pjs on, yet wake up the next day with no pjs on and kiss marks on me. There was no sex though. I remember only waking up once but it's a blur. I guess it depends on how deep a sleeper a person is.
But we're you asleep already when it happened or were you awake?
Also,I'd like to point out that he was your bf.You consciousness already felt safe with him and maybe that's why you don't feel the rising panic.
Now for these two, it maybe mutual but there was no physical involvement in the past.This was new.Now, if you won't feel the adrenaline kicking in then I guess you're a really deep sleeper.And that's scary. ( ̄∇ ̄")
I don't think anyone will forget anything *if you we're tapped in the ass or even having been frenched kiss* that takes energy. Unless the MC was drugged.LOL