If you find the time could you also provide a free translation of chapter 41 plz. ヾ(☆▽☆)

Thank you for the translation. Can you translate ch41 as well? Thank you

I don't think so. He just has different priorities than the other characters wrapped in the love story. He has a bigger picture about this relating to Intron, Zeros, and protecting Lucaon. Ryan is just fighting another battle so he's more detached about the current situation. I could be wrong, the author seems to be determining where to take the story and what characters to use where.

Thank you for your hard work
I'd also like to extend a deep apology. I promised to post a translation for chapters 41 & 42 off of the Spanish links earlier when I was on break at work & failed to realize you had already posted this translation. I did however, mention to act on the promise only if no one else took the liberty. & Here I found you; so as promised I will not be posting seeing as though your Spanish is right on the money. I only found the need to assist in the parts you seemed unsure. Hope you don't mind:
Cecilia: It was because Lucaon could see him that allowed him to be cured. This guy is more surprising than I thought (? The translation directly says “out there” but that has a different connotation in English).
--This guy is out of his mind even more than I thought.--
Kyon: That’s not my fault. I… I've decided what I want to do… I will stay by Master’s side. But that is something I should not have right? Now that master has me here, how can I leave him? (? I’m not sure)
--Now that Master has me here, how can I free myself from him?--
Workers: Greetings (? I don’t know how to translate “Saluden” >.>)
--Say hello-- It's Cecilia saying this to the workers that have just arrived.
Lucaon: No, noon. I have something to say to you. I would be better off to go elsewhere. Like the middle of the city. It’s not only safer, I could take Kyon to be examined by a doctor.
--Noona* honorific term used toward an older lady. Similar to Hyung for older boys.
Thanks again, love. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
On another note, how cool is it that we have Spanish translations now?! It definitely helps me confirm & correct my thoughts wherever necessary from what I was able to gather translating from Korean to English. Though as you said, some things will be forever lost in translation.. thank God for the official translations
I'm crap at Spanish, I've only studied it in school, but here goes
It won't be as accurate as the official translation obviously
http://mangadoor.com/manga/royal-servant/40 (reference, feel free to correct me)
Uh Spoilers:
Rain: Master?! Master why are you just… help him!
Cecilia: He just cut his neck?
Rain: Ehh? Master. Quickly!
*Cecilia looking at Ryan’s smug face*
*Ryan looking smug*
*Lucaon looking panicked*
Lucaon: Will he recover?
Cecilia: Stop asking. I’m healing him.
Lucaon: It’s just… he lost a lot of blood. But Kyon. Why?
Ryan: Lucaon. Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of him. Go get some clothes for Kyon.
Lucaon: ….
Cecilia: Lucaon is suspecting something. I’ll try to talk him later.
Ryan: Yeah… about the mark on his neck, take it off.
Cecilia: You want me to undo it?
Ryan: He won’t need it anyway.
Cecilia: It was because Lucaon could see him that allowed him to be cured. This guy is more surprising than I thought (? The translation directly says “out there” but that has a different connotation in English).
Ryan: You’re right. If he had just died at that moment…. It could have been a good opportunity. So Lucaon would not have found him and brought him back. When I heard what Kyon said and saw what he did, I don’t think he will want to leave him along now. Now we can’t stop him (?).
Lucaon: Do you know anything about what happened? You were with Kyon that night. Why didn’t you say anything?
Cecilia: I just found him as you saw it. I believe that Kyon is mentally unstable. He had a similar experience in the past, at your company. That time they were outside and now they entered the mansion. Plus Kyon had an incident similar when he was young when he lost his family.
Lucaon: Kyon? (Oooh yeah, Lucaon doesn’t actually know Kyon’s backstory)
Cecilia: At that time he was attacked by Zeros. Maybe he has some type of trauma? You know what it’s like going through that, right?
*Kyon waking up*
Kyon: Ah. I, I feel dizzy. Where…
Ryan: You’re in the mansion. I brought you here after you fainted near the lake.
Kyon: You?
Ryan: Exactly, Cecilia and Lucaon too.
Kyon: Why?
Ryan: What?
Kyon: Why did you do that? In fact you could have left me there if you wanted.
Ryan: I didn’t bring you back because I wanted to. Lucaon was the one who found you. It’s because of him that you are here, you should be more grateful.
Kyon: Damnit … bastard. You should have let me die.
*Lucaon walks in, Ryan gives him the side eye*
Lucaon: Kyon… At least until you recover, stay here…
Kyon: Was it you? Who treated my injury? You, do you know how frustrated I am right now? I know I have to go, but really I don’t want to do it.
Cecilia: If you stay Lucaon will be in danger.
Kyon: That’s not my fault. I… I've decided what I want to do… I will stay by Master’s side. But that is something I should not have right? Now that master has me here, how can I leave him? (? I’m not sure) Even now I can’t [leave] because my master will continue to monitor me. I should have just died…
Cecilia: Say hello.
Ceclia: The staff is well trained as Ryan had asked. The rest will arrive at lunch time. They’re good guys. They can start working now.
Lucaon: No, noona. I have something to say to you. I would be better off to go elsewhere. Like the middle of the city. It’s not only safer, I could take Kyon to be examined by a doctor.
Cecila: Are you serious? Then will you sell this mansion? (oooo, character progression)
Lucaon: No it’s not like that.
Cecilia: But you can’t just abandon it.
Lucaon: But, Kyon is having a hard time. If we go together to the city…
*Rain feeding Kyon*
Kyon: Hey, Master is busy right now right? (To rain)
Rain: Yes. He is in the salon with Miss Cecilia.
Kyon: Then, I must go.
Rain: To master? Do you need something….
Kyon: No it’s not that. I have to pack my things.
*Slam* (probably I can’t read the font lol)
Kyon thoughts: I must leave the mansion now…. If I go… I could contact Ryan to find me a place…
I have to go. I don’t think I can anymore… I don’t have the courage to see Master right now…. I have to go.
*Cue plot device photos*
Ok, so like I said, I suck at Spanish. I'm secure enough to say that I could probably hold a conversation with a toddler. Feel free to correct any mistakes to help me out. If it's deemed ok enough I can translate the other chapters tomorrow if someone asks but it will take a while.