So kyon hvnt told lucaon yet, that he was used as tool by that organization... If i were k...

mu-chan September 4, 2017 2:47 pm

So kyon hvnt told lucaon yet, that he was used as tool by that organization... If i were kyon, i would have told lucaon. So at least lucaon will get angry and let go. It is better to be hated for me than i have to murder the one i love, i think. Buuuuttt... Nah, it is up to the author anyway

    Hailey ^.^ September 4, 2017 3:40 pm

    No. You're saying it's better to be hated than killing myself. That's pretty much what your saying.

    Tiger Rao September 4, 2017 3:58 pm

    Pretty sure the whole point of it was "I rather die than be hated"... honestly, some people would.