Non-female here. I wish I found this manga sooner, maybe around the mc's age. Too late now. I wish I wish I had someone or something tell me it's ok to be an idiot. I wish I had the internet to tell me I wasn't destined to be alone and I shouldn't had clinged to bad people just because they were willing to have sex with me. Not to play the snowflake, but I don't think young women can ever understand how fucking lonely being gay is. Life isn't yaoi. Being a gay teenager doesn't come with a starter kit of a pack of experienced gay friends, wonderful gay teachers wanting to have relationships with students and a best friend that "loved you all along". This manga... honestly... fuck. I had to put it down after ch3 and cry a little. I read yaoi because I'm weeaboo trash, I'm aware it's not always intellectualy stimulating (lol) and I'm too far gone to use it as fap material. It's just a hobby. But sometimes stories like this one come along and it helps me feel a little less shit about myself. Also, l'm pretty sure looking for love and acceptance in the wrong places isn't a "gay thing". This manga right here is a universal story about growing up convincing yourself that your mistakes don't define you. You can be loved, and deserve to be, even if you screwed up your past relationships. It gets better when you get better. Shit happens. Good intentions DO COUNT, even when your decisions lead to bad outcomes. I believe being labeled a slut might be one of a young girl's biggest fear and self inflicted hindrance, I guess that could explain the negative comments. It's not what they're looking for in yaoi. They just want the smutty gay version of the one and only prince charming and "real life-y" stories like this one break the immersion for them and seriously good for them, but for me, it's what keeps me comming back to this site.
Jeebuz christ I'm sorry for the long ass reply, I just couldn't stop.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Personally speaking I find it easy to relate to what you wrote. It IS fucking lonely. And also scary. I'm in a moment of my life where I want to love and be loved back, sometimes I find myself thinking that anyone will do and as soon as someone is nice with me my mind immediately goes there. I'm lucky because I haven't been burned yet but I can easily see how this behaviour can be destructive. I'm sorry for your experience. I'm sorry that you, like many youths, didn't have role models to guide you while you were growing. I'm happy you're here and I'd be happier if you knew how much the insight you gained while going through all of this can be helpful to a young man/woman in the dark. Again you for writing this long ass reply. Hopefully some other kid will read this and understand that they're not alone in this experience. One thing is for sure: that's how you made me feel.

Slick, painless gliding: 10/10 good job ;) ! Short answer; LOL NO. Regular, ordinary highschool girly-boy rapey drama is comedy relief. Most characters in trashy/dumb yaoi are inexplicable to me. I guess they're designed for other demographics. Long-ass answer; lust is an emotion just like any other. Good storytelling will for sure get me invested enough to get sad, angry or happy. Soooometimes it makes me go "well that looks nice...." and come onnnnn sometimes it just hits the right kink buttons, right?!!? I MUST clarify that masturbating TO the literal "drawings" and using the story as fantasy fuel are completely different things. Manga characters don't turn me on although I do enjoy the aesthetic, I don't go "uugghhh yea boiii cut me with that sharp dorito chin and slap me with that gigantic hand...". Also I'm not "alone" so locking myself in the bathroom with an ipad is lazy and unnecessary. Of course it happens, but not because of yaoi, it just happens. Maybe I will regret this comment ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

@iSexy on a more serious note, I hope you find the peace you're looking for. I certainly haven't and maybe I never will, but something else will come along and we WILL be happy. Let's just be kind, even with people who take advantage of vulnerable, sad people like us. I mean, get them the fuck away from your life asap, but let's move on asap too. I wish you the bestestests of lucks in finding your companions. Keep in mind most people who hurt others do it unintentionally, not everyone is a monster but absolutely everyone is an idiot to some degree. Stay strong :*

I somehow relate (I think, and i'm a girl btw) I became aware of 'things' in my early teens or so. All the boys that I dated always see me as a 'mature' or a know-it-all partner when it comes to 'that'. I loved them all, even if it's just 'puppy love', I was being sincere with them. And I was not a know-it-all, even now i'm still a virgin! WTH! I did all the things they asked me because I want to show them that they are loved. But in the end, rumors spread around our school that I was 'that' kind of girl, I then became scared and I don't know who tells the truth anymore and I lost all the confidence that I have since I was already being judge even if I haven't done anything. They see my body in a obscene way, and like a 'fap material'. Now that i'm a young adult, I don't know if I can open myself to others anymore. I wish I will find someone who will help me regain my confidence and all the insecurities that my past brought me.
I think it's really interesting how there's all this hate for the MC in the comment section. I'm also thinking that there's a correlation between this and the fact that most comments come from females. I'm speculating that Mirai's behaviour irritates girls specifically either because of projection and/or dissonance: he doesn't act according to the expected yaoi script. I noticed the same frustration in Mairunovich which has basically the same narrative as this yaoi, only in shoujo form.
Personally I think these kind of plots do not sell well, but at the same time it's important to have variety and, from what I've read, there are some people who can relate to the story, so kudos to the author. I'd love to read their comments on how this manga came to be.