When you turn 40 come back and read what you wrote. You'll get a kick out of it. I don't think you're wrong or anything because the likelihood is that you're under thirty... maybe even under 20, but there are some lessons that can only be learned through time and experience. This just happens to be one of them. I'm pushing 50 and this is a lesson I learned around 25 or 30. It takes a lot of time and energy to hold on to anger, pain and grudges. Once you hit thirty you start to realize that energy conservation is vital to happiness, and I'm not referring to ecology. Also, once you have had to beg for forgiveness, granting it to others is far easier. There are two things no human can get through life without doing... dying and fucking up royally.
Best of luck to you in all that you do and I hope you are able to enjoy this comment as much as I did when you're my age.
No no no NO YOU DON'T FCKING LEAVE YOUR BOYFRIEND BEHIND WITHOUT A SINGLE WORD AND THEN ' TIME HAS THE ABILITY TO HEAL WOUNDS '.... Bullsh*t I'd never ever forgive him? Can you imagine how sad he was all this time. All this wasted time... i cAn't