
IMO It was quite obvious that Eric was alive, going by the way the last scene was set up. A perfect ending, with mountain loads of happiness for the two of them *cries tears of happiness* *throws white rose petals in the air*
IMO It was quite obvious that Eric was alive, going by the way the last scene was set up. A perfect ending, with mountain loads of happiness for the two of them *cries tears of happiness* *throws white rose petals in the air*
I have read a lot of these comments and I am not trying to Spoil the story for those who haven't read it but I do want to Clarify for those who've read the comments and decide not to read it because they think it's a tragedy. IT'S NOT!! SO SPOILER ALERT IMMA LET IT ALL OUT!!
In the Last few chapters Eric/One decides that in order to stop the war between Humanity and Vampires and PREVENT the collapse of civilization that Jack had set in motion a PERSON who is neither Vampire or Human but is both that bridges the gap between the two ; should play the villian.
One uses the momentum from the recent events , with Shell's help, to turn the tide from war to changing Society for the better...So that when the climate does change from it's mini Ice age, That vampires thrive in, to warmer climes more suited to humans, vampires would still have a place in the world along with humans. No longer subjugated but equals .
To do this , To enact this plan; Both One(Eric ) and Shell have to play their Roles. One As the Mastermind and Villian and Shell as Savoir and Hero. NOW IF You paid close attention after the blimp crashed and Jack is Dead. You see One reach down and PICK UP a piece of METAL as he Explains his plan to Shell and Shell is crying and is scared , he doesn't wanna do it. ONE shows him the METAL and places it in the center of his chest, implying that SHELL should shoot him there. ONE say's I Trust YOU and Kisses SHELL and then it's time For the performance. ONE ACTS out his bad guy role and Shell SHOOTS him in the spot he placed The METAL.
FASTFORWARD 3 Years Society has changed for the better and SHELL still plays his role so that he can help create the world his lover dreams of and he goes every week to the House ON theBEACH where the villian who FAKED HIS DEATH to change the world WAITS FOR SHELL THERE!! SO in CONCLUSION Eric is the Man waiting on the beach for SHELL. ERIC ISN'T DEAD he FAKED his DEATH and NOW he resides in the place his parents and he loved , he continues his fathers work while Shell does the more public side and the BEACH HOME is rebuit as a home for them.
I am sorry this is hella long but I Love this story and I wanted to share my perspective of it. The story is beautiful but you need to pay attention to other details as well because the Author doesn't just use words to tell the story , the story is also told in her art ..small details that allude and hint to different meanings and moments that foreshadow events. The art is a part of the story too it's not just to show character looks , interactions and. pay attention to the details in the art and story....that way at the end you'll know what really happened!!! Ahhh...I love this comic , I find myself reading it and just to see if I missed something. I could write a book about it ......Oops .... I ..think ...I ..just ..did