People are gross.
Get used to it.

Uhhh, well. Each to their own I say. I have the ability to separate real life from fantasy. I know right from wrong. Although I don't read the hardcore rape stuff (I just can't, it's scary)
I do read shounen ai and soft yaoi (e.g. isaku natsume has really good fluffy stories)
I Make it a point to not judge other people's tastes (not saying you are!) But if you don't like, don't watch. Comments do to get a bit cringe, yes. Generally speaking, i find the Fandom to be more open minded than most people I meet in real life.

I get it, but what is this post going to solve? We are all loathsome in some way or another, and this post, like all the others pertaining to this issue, will not stop people.
Anyways, I hope you find relief.

so if anyone reads and loves shoujo... they're fetishizing straight people...? your logic makes no sense.

"Coming from my point of view, it's beyond tragic and disgusting to see...girls...desires and sexual needs."
What it all boils down to. How much hentai have you read? Have you read the comments?

Huh. Interesting.
A post that will get buried along with all the others.
I guess your voice was heard? Is the purpose to shame or to have a discussion?

honestly i agree with u. for once i kinda want to be able to read a story about a gay relationship without ppl in the comments screaming about 'semes and ukes' like no real gay relationship is that simple and tropey. fetizing gay people is basically u treating them as objects and not actual people. u can read gay romance without having to fetize lgbt people and its doing the opposite of 'being accepting' because ur still not treating us like real people. do u ever hear someone speaking about straight relationships the same way 'yaoi fangirls' talk about gay relationships? our relationships are for us. not u. and especially about the rapey/unhealthy relationship aspects that the 'fangirls' squeal and romantize makes me super uncomfortable and the fact theyre treating this stuff like its okay and the fact that its becoming popular with barely anyone pointing it out (coughs coughs k*lling st*lking ect) makes me not want to be reading this stuff. i hate it when i begin reading something that starts off cute but then it gets rapey ect and im unable to read it anymore. (dont get me started on pedophilia) the manga/manhwa that i find that are actually wholesome and healthy i cherish and i wish those get more attention rather than the problematic and bad ones so that the ""tropes""" would just die because if anything the popularity is encouraging the fact that its okay to be romanticizing things like that and u can argue its fiction all u want but to some people who see this stuff and see that people think its okay and obsess over it will give them the idea that treating/doing these things to others is an accepted thing and they get wrong justification (idk if any of this made sense i tend to ramble without knowing how to word things)
I'm not speaking about the Manga that include yaoi, but rather the actions of the people who read them. Do you find the fandom to be usually enjoyable or share like views, and find it quite gross? Coming from my point of view, it's beyond tragic and disgusting to see usually younger girls fetishizing gay males for their own desires and sexual needs. Usually overlooking the rapey themes, and romanticizing things that are quite illegal and lead to unhealthy relationships. And also, how do some of ya'll think it's cute to text like "uwu, this seme is so ლ(´ڡ`ლ) doki doki. I can't wait for the underaged uke to get fuckedヾ(☆▽☆)I luv gay sex!1!1!" (I've actually seen comments like this)
It's cool it you read yaoi manga, go right ahead. This is rather a thread on how you feel about your peers and their actions. I rather so pointed out the yaoi extremists who tend to be annoying and bitter when your opinion doesn't line with theirs. I stated in my personal opinion on how I often see the community perceived and the problem I have with it. You are entitled to your own ideas and I'm not here to bash you for that, so please do the same. I just wanted to know if you enjoyed the fandom usually or did not. Sorry if you took it wrong, and saw I didn't properly explain myself before.