
Is this the only Korean bl you read? Read Fools or H&H Roman Company or Lost control are all great manhwas. Just because this one sucks doesn't mean all of them aren't good. Fools is a fantastic manhwa, its so sweet and pure.

Dude read all about lust, blood bank, ordinary men, Peach love and etc. theres plenty. You cant just generalize. There are even more manhwas that are only in Korean too. There are plenty of bad Japanese bl but i dont think ive ever generalized all of them to be bad.
And now i'm here wondering how did i ended up even thinking this will be heartwarming. Also worrying about what i got into myself and how will my mental health end up cause i'm definitely not ok . I cried and yelled about 10 ch and i wan't to try all torture techniques in the history on that crazy-ass bitch.
And korean yaoi industry not going somewhere good