I totally agree with you, I feel like they were really asholes.
I mean they just have their new kid an ignore him and what he did for seven fricking years and then said like:
"oh dear son, come back. don't be selfish. You should pretend we did not abandon you after giving hope, quit your freedoom, get married (arranged) and work for me. And please act happy as if nothing happened"
That's trully anoying and bad parentng, thy give him hope and then just snatched away and come back just when it's covenient. not cool.
It was good that the father at the end realize that his son was already hapy, and not because of them.
(don't worry about your englishsometimes google translate get it for xP)

You said it beautifully and perfectly. They are selfish hypocrites. They want their dreams fulfilled, but don't care about the dreams their children want to fulfill. They are worse than the mother who left Yocchin in a locker, IMO. She was trying to give him a future that wasn't locked to her and her problems. They dragged him into their problems and expected him to just happily accept it. Then, when his brother was born, he wasn't needed anymore and ignored. Yocchin wasn't their son, he was a convenient tool for them to use to look like better people than they really are.
Am i the only one thinking they are the worst kind of parents? ???
Acting all happy family like, ignore their son until they need him, pretend as if they dont know he is and will be unhappy about his current situation (New job and marriage)
I think they are just hypocrites.
If you dont love your children, dont pretend so and make use of them as you like (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
(Sry for bad english, im too lazy to use google translation)