Wait... what?

Popostream23 August 27, 2017 5:09 pm

This is the end? That's it? Seriously? Nothing was really solved though? Like can we have a follow up on all their stories to see how they are doing? What ever happened to Charles and Jay? Did they ever solve their differences? Is Charles ever going to get over Metis and go out with Jay? He was in a bad mood at the party and I have reason to believe it was because of Jay not appearing anywhere. This... this is really upsetting. The characters didn't really develop, the story was poorly written and left me with a lot of questions, not to mention their stories were rushed and sloppy, as well the characters developing feelings for each other out the blue (I'm talking about Metis and Josh). They did a 180 hell of a quickly, I get that a lot of time passed in between everything or whatever but it was not shown and it was vague how much time actually passed and there was barely any communication between the characters which leaves me asking at what points did they truly begin to develop their feelings? How did Josh cope with falling for Metis, at what point did he realize it was love? Was he already interested in him before the punch? What him from "I'm gonna punch this random guy cuz I'm angry my GIRLFRIEND broke up with me" to "man I really like this guy and I want to go out with him" how Did iT HAPPEN?!?! And don't even get me started on Charles and Jay, like where did that leave them? So Jay gave up in a Charles, but did Charles give up on Jay? It seemed to me like there was something there besides Charles having supposedly liked Metis. There was way more room for development between these two characters. Then there's the last couple, I don't even want to get in that twisted relationship they got going on, my only question about them is how did ever start going out in the first place, who asked who out knowing they have such a history? Anyway, apart from all the flaws and questions, I did really like the way the characters were drawn and their personalities. They remind me of real people with real people problems and how ridiculous western high schoolers are. I can say that I'm from the west

    Dragomira November 14, 2017 3:48 pm

    I completely agree; it was an absolute mess. I honestly had no idea about what was going on in the story xDD