looking for two yaoi manga name

Rin August 25, 2017 11:08 am

The first manga Is about two brothers, the younger brother (seme) isn't really smart and sleep around alot while the older brother (uke) is smart and all. One day the seme went to a place where you can fuck guys but there a wall and you can't see theirs face, the younger brother got paired up with his older (didn't know it was him tho) and liked. When they both got back home the seme noticed that his brother and the guy he fucked both have the same mole on their hand. So when he (seme) went back to the place he put some kind of thing on the uke ***forgot what it is*** and learn it was his older brother he was fucking.

The second manga is about these things that are kinda like angel ***I don't remember what they are so I'm going to call them angel*** . The angel uke is watching over a human boy but angel uke has really bad luck and it effects the human boy he is watching over. One day the human boy was about to fall down a teacher caught him. The angel uke then met the angel seme and learn that the teacher could see him (angel uke ) and want the human boy as his lover. The angel uke told the teacher and angel seme that he(angel uke) love the human boy and want to tell the human boy that he love him. *** I don't remember what happened after that but angel uke came to realize he doesn't love the human boy and like angel seme***

Sorry for the really really bad English and not remember alot of things. ╥﹏╥
