Possible unpopular opinion: Ayumi my guy, my friend, my dude. Please do something with...

fujojo August 24, 2017 2:40 am

Possible unpopular opinion:

Ayumi my guy, my friend, my dude.

Please do something with that hair. And like I'm not even talking like it has to be a hair cut....

just like even a ponytail would work ya know....

(Side note: that desk scene was hot af from start to finish holy jesus)

    RandomPerson August 24, 2017 6:00 am

    Love how you started with "Ayumi, my guy, my friend, my dude." XD

    fujojo August 24, 2017 6:20 am
    Love how you started with "Ayumi, my guy, my friend, my dude." XD RandomPerson

    I try and break things gently lmao

    Lucy August 25, 2017 1:28 am

    You're not the only one. It's been bothering me since the first chapter, like please, Ayumi, do something with that hair. ANYTHING. Just don't leave it like that TT-TT

    Asdjkl August 26, 2017 2:33 am

    Its look like a natural hair that curls too much, you cant even tie it, unless its straightened