Kai Sensei is so beautiful

Yuuki Diamond August 22, 2017 10:40 pm

Overall a really nice and cute Manga..BUT Chapter 4 is horrible. It's confusing, sad and really depressing so I skip it everytime when I read this Manga -_-

    Carol January 9, 2018 8:04 pm

    You are missing out its a realy nice story

    Yuuki Diamond January 9, 2018 11:11 pm

    I am not really into story like this...

    sky32 April 16, 2018 10:15 am
    You are missing out its a realy nice story Carol

    no its not rin is the one who really got hurt while the two who caused the accident fall in love and now they get to live happy while he still suffers with no one it sucks im sorry but its just wrong..

    Ivis April 16, 2018 10:24 pm
    no its not rin is the one who really got hurt while the two who caused the accident fall in love and now they get to live happy while he still suffers with no one it sucks im sorry but its just wrong.. sky32

    They didn't cause any accident. Rin ran out into the street without checking for any cars and got ran over. Don't blame them for something they had no control over.

    sky32 April 16, 2018 11:11 pm
    They didn't cause any accident. Rin ran out into the street without checking for any cars and got ran over. Don't blame them for something they had no control over. Ivis

    There are things called pre-requisites that call forth disaster this was one such incident so i am sorry but the blames still goes where I say and second tat fact that the two people that he loved the most in the world are both together get this on the premises of helping rin Ristu steal yet another thing precious to him ugh please its so bad the onlyy saving grace is that Rin never appeared so please its their fault but of course i dont need you to agree with me though but my op still stand love...

    Ivis April 16, 2018 11:57 pm
    There are things called pre-requisites that call forth disaster this was one such incident so i am sorry but the blames still goes where I say and second tat fact that the two people that he loved the most in t... sky32

    Only wrong Ritsu ever did was to fall in love with his brother. And Sou didn't know about his friend's feelings for him until right before the moment of the accident. NO it is not their fault! It was an avoidable accident that wouldn't have even happened if 1. Instead of running away, he had rejected his brother properly and talked to him about about it and 2. Looked both ways before he ran into the road. Sou didn't belong to Rin either. They were just friends and a long time had passed after the accident before Ritsu and Sou got together. Rin liking Sou doesn't give him exclusive rights to him and Sou didn't reciprocate his feelings. Ritsu didn't steal Sou from anyone.

    sky32 April 17, 2018 12:34 am

    You can say that but lets not forget the fact that the only reason he met him was for Rin and like it or not the fact that Rin ran away in the first place was Ritsu's fault and he knew his brother was looking for his friend and you say reciprocate did he even have a chance to? lets go with your series of unfortunate events theory and say your right what about the conclusion seems happy? I see that Ritsu falling in love with both his brother and brother's first love is messed up but not only that they are a couple and he is still lost. I guess I just have more sympathy for Rin because he is the one that truly lost....