Need some help looking for BL manga please! It's a manga where the MC reunites with an ex-...

Rice Cake August 21, 2017 1:38 am

Need some help looking for BL manga please! It's a manga where the MC reunites with an ex-classmate/friend, who is a doctor. I think the MC had a crush on the doctor before, but then the doctor got married. Then, he meets the doctor's younger bro (I don't think the MC knew they were brothers at first), who comforts him. Later, the doctor got divorced(?) and asks MC to date him again, and it becomes a love triangle between the MC, the doctor, and the younger bro. In the end, the MC chooses the doctor.

My memory is a bit sketchy, but if you know what manga it is, please tell me. Many thanks!

    Anonymous August 21, 2017 2:19 am

    It doesn't exactly fit but kind of?

    Rice Cake August 21, 2017 7:35 am
    It doesn't exactly fit but kind of? @Anonymous

    YES I THINK IT IS THIS ONE!! I think the reason it doesn't really exactly fit is because, as i said, my memory is really sketchy lol I've actually passed that manga quite a few times, but I never thought that it was the one I was looking for because the cover photo is so different from my memory of the manga lmaooo-- Thank you so much!!