Akai Ito No Shikkou Yuuyo

Audrey August 20, 2017 3:02 pm

That can't be the end yet ! because the guy who gave him the scissors to cute the "red string " said he also cuts Green strings , what are the green strings connected to ? don't leave us hanging , upload more chapters please ! Thanks for sharing this manga it's different and fun to read !

    DaisiesAndLilies August 20, 2017 3:07 pm

    Scanlators cannot upload chapters that don't exist.

    Audrey August 21, 2017 5:15 am
    Scanlators cannot upload chapters that don't exist. DaisiesAndLilies

    Thanks , maybe the author will write a continuation to this about the guy with the scissors and the green string , guess we will have to wait and see , Thanks again

    Anonymous August 27, 2017 8:00 pm
    Thanks , maybe the author will write a continuation to this about the guy with the scissors and the green string , guess we will have to wait and see , Thanks again Audrey

    Check the comments above yours ppl are telling other ppl what the green string is