How come doona doesn't get any hate and everyone is making excuses for her?? If she was a ...

Vilen August 17, 2017 1:10 pm

How come doona doesn't get any hate and everyone is making excuses for her?? If she was a guy everyone would bash on her because she broke another person's heart and raped someone. But because she's a girl she's a role model now? Minho is overall so weak and can't do anything but be verbally mean and yet so many peeps are already calling him a dick or asshole. But doona is a role model???? How???

    Jaz August 17, 2017 4:24 pm

    Doona has gotten quite a bit of hate in the comments for her personality and her sexual preference. Some of the comments have been deleted. I wouldn't call Doona a role model by any means but I don't hate her for her flaws either.

    Minho was verbally abusive which his why people called him an asshole. Minho probably doesn't regret a thing he said to her and thinks the same of her now. She wanted revenge so I won't bash her for that. And afterwards Donna felt guilty for what she had done to him.

    I'm not a huge fan of Haesol. Doona made it clear to him that she wanted a sexual relationship, not a romantic one. Haesol wanted more so he was heartbroken, why should I be mad at Donna for that. Sucks for Haesol but she did not want to date him so she rejected him. I'd be inconsiderate for her to continue a sexual relationship with him knowing he has strong feelings for her that she wouldn't return. It is a good thing Doona left Haesol.

    Jaz August 17, 2017 4:29 pm

    Also people are generally more critical of women who seek sexual partners than men. I've seen people bashing Doona for that not only in this comments section but on other sites as well.

    Anonymous August 17, 2017 4:46 pm
    Doona has gotten quite a bit of hate in the comments for her personality and her sexual preference. Some of the comments have been deleted. I wouldn't call Doona a role model by any means but I don't hate her f... Jaz

    Not only that but Minho struck her first so he's not above using physical violence himself.

    Anonymous August 17, 2017 4:52 pm
    This guy right here is a fairly popular character. There are others like him. You're just not looking hard enough. He is 10x worse than Doona and is well liked.

    Jaz August 17, 2017 5:39 pm
    Not only that but Minho struck her first so he's not above using physical violence himself. @Anonymous

    Forgot about that. Yeah that too. Minho's ex girlfriend (chapter 15) also even said that he was swearing at her and being an asshole. Minho wasn't only that way towards Donna. Him being "weak" with a superiority complex doesn't make him any less of an asshole.

    halite August 17, 2017 6:49 pm

    I tend to be on Doona's side, not because I think she did nothing wrong but because people call her bitch because she doesn't reciprocate a cute boy's feelings that the fans like, got revenge on a asshole everyone forget has been verbally abusing her and making her writer block even more hellish because he's got a hot body and is their eyecandy and in general being a woman that owns her sexually and is dominant.

    Minho is the one who looked at her phone and started calling her a slut or trash talking her for sleeping with Haesol. He did that without any prompting. Minho has been giving bad grades to Haesol because he adores the writer he's jealous of. He is a hot guy and I see NO COMMENT calling him on that shit. And you dare trying to imply he's not an asshole???
    He is straight up written as one. He is a GREAT character. But if you excuse him and think he didn't deserved that revenge fuck, then you are SERIOUSLY biased. Only because that's how the comic is written.
    The sadistic beauty is Doona. It's normal to want to cheer for her.
    Am I forgetting she started a play and spanking Haesol without a word or warning? Nope. She was in the wrong then. She shouldn't have let Minho's taunting get to her and invite him to come to the hotel and get revenge.
    I am 100% pourcent glad she did. But I still think it was not the right thing to do.
    She hasn't been good to Haesol. Not because she didn't return his feelings but because he a pushover and instead of being considerate, she took advantage of it to make his room hers.

    I could find more things I think. But you know what, these are not the things she gets hated for in the comments. You are being a hypocrite. Some people even compared her to the frigging sociopath and serial killer in Killing Stalking?? Because she abused Minho one time after he clearly was the one who tried to poke his nose in his sex life and has been abusing and humiliating her for YEARS.
    But sure, keep crying about that scene and how it's proof we are lind and favoriting her because she's a woman. Keep crying injustice when you can only feel sorry for the hot guy who is clearly supposed to be an abusive asshole.

    I know I'm not excusing Doona's shit. But yeah, I'll defend her against people's bullshit when they try to drag her for things that are stuff I'm tired to see female characters bashed for. And don't pretend guys that do shit always get bashed. They don't. You can't imagine the number of yaoi fans out there that will get angry if you dare point out their dear eyecandy seme raped the uke and no his love being too strong is not an excuse.

    Now get out.

    halite August 17, 2017 6:57 pm

    poke his nose in her sex life*

    also saying that Doona doesn't get hate is a lie. Her and Gyerin got more hate than I ever saw Minho get. Funny that.

    halite August 17, 2017 8:43 pm

    oh and " Minho is overall so weak and can't do anything but be verbally mean" PLEASE

    Don't say that about the guy who is a teacher, have enough money to get that watch, publish literary critics, gets interviewed, knows exactly what to say to make his girlfriends feel like shit.
    In general, he likes to make himself feel better by blaming others instead of admitting his faults and putting everyone around him down. If Minho ever get that post he's licking boots for, I don't doubt he'll use that power to get colleagues he doesn't like fired. At least I wouldn't be surprised because he thought about it. He already abuses his status as a teacher anyway.
    And you says that guy is weak and can only be "mean"... lol okay.

    Also, Minho is supposed to be like that? That's the point of his character? But sure, pretend he's inoffensive. A teenager might act like that and you can let it pass. Minho's a grown-up man. An responsible adult (more like, he's supposed to be and looks the part but as readers, we see all his flaws and immaturity)

    Wanting to point out when readers are biased or there is problematic content in comics is all well and fine... until you mistake a character's role in the story and misread the whole purpose of a scene that much. Just take that story and its characters as they are instead of trying to distort them so they fit what you're used to.

    Anonymous August 17, 2017 9:03 pm
    oh and " Minho is overall so weak and can't do anything but be verbally mean" PLEASEDon't say that about the guy who is a teacher, have enough money to get that watch, publish literary critics, gets interviewed... @halite

    Lmao it's terrifying that a guy like that is a teacher. I honestly want to know what his problem with doona is, from the flashback Even when he liked doona he was overly critical and harsh Of her writing, like is he jealous? even going as far to hide their relationship because he couldn't stand the idea of ppl knowing his gf was far more successful then him...I mean he's just too insecure jeez.

    Anonymous August 18, 2017 5:50 am

    A couple of people have upvoted but no one has posted in agreeance of OP or in opposition to what has already been replied. I'm seriously wanting someone to explain how poor Minho is so weak because I don't see it at all.

    Anonymous August 18, 2017 7:43 am
    A couple of people have upvoted but no one has posted in agreeance of OP or in opposition to what has already been replied. I'm seriously wanting someone to explain how poor Minho is so weak because I don't see... @Anonymous

    maybe they mean in the context of him only picking on a woman but becomes a pussy around his male peers (acts like everyone is out to get him).

    Anonymous August 18, 2017 8:38 pm

    Pretty convenient all the comments that hated on Doona and Gyerin disappeared. But looks like the people who made them are still around alright.

    Anonymous August 18, 2017 8:47 pm
    maybe they mean in the context of him only picking on a woman but becomes a pussy around his male peers (acts like everyone is out to get him). @Anonymous

    Minho talks down to men too. He acted as though he was superior to Haesol.

    hhhhh August 18, 2017 9:06 pm

    Because this site is mostly filled with underage kids who spend their time reading porn, excusing and romanticizing rape and abuse. I don't find it surprising that the comment section is filled with immature comments like 'This bitch should die', but no one is talking about what Doona did to Minho and how that was abuse. If you would like to have a serious debate with people who are of the right age to read and be able to understand what this webtoon is about, then you are on the wrong site.

    Jaz August 18, 2017 9:45 pm
    Because this site is mostly filled with underage kids who spend their time reading porn, excusing and romanticizing rape and abuse. I don't find it surprising that the comment section is filled with immature co... @hhhhh

    I have seen some very immature comments but personally I haven't seen a single comment denying that what Doona did was abuse. It was canonically nonconsensual. Both Doona and Minho have addressed it as such. There's really not much to discuss about it. That being said, I feel it is incorrect to deny that Minho was abusive as well and that he was the initiator of the conflict.

    hhhhh August 18, 2017 10:37 pm
    I have seen some very immature comments but personally I haven't seen a single comment denying that what Doona did was abuse. It was canonically nonconsensual. Both Doona and Minho have addressed it as such. Th... Jaz

    I don't deny that Minho was abusive. He is also condescending and a misogynist and he treated Doona like trash, looked down on her and abused her. But, i don't see how Doona is any better if she used violence to get back at him. Yet, people choose to hate Minho for abusing her, but they praise Doona and call her a 'strong independent woman' for abusing Minho. It's hypocritical. So, i personally don't like either of them, and i think that's what the OP was trying to say.

    Jaz August 18, 2017 10:50 pm
    I don't deny that Minho was abusive. He is also condescending and a misogynist and he treated Doona like trash, looked down on her and abused her. But, i don't see how Doona is any better if she used violence t... @hhhhh

    OP called Minho weak and criticized people for calling him an asshole. It wasn't apparent to me that they felt he did anything wrong.

    Anonymous August 18, 2017 11:10 pm
    Minho talks down to men too. He acted as though he was superior to Haesol. @Anonymous

    Are you aware of Korean senior/junior culture? That's the point. He "is". But that aside, he's an ass to Haesol because he has a connection to Doona.

    hhhhh August 18, 2017 11:18 pm
    OP called Minho weak and criticized people for calling him an asshole. It wasn't apparent to me that they felt he did anything wrong. Jaz

    oh, sorry, you are right.

    Vilen August 19, 2017 12:26 am
    I don't deny that Minho was abusive. He is also condescending and a misogynist and he treated Doona like trash, looked down on her and abused her. But, i don't see how Doona is any better if she used violence t... @hhhhh

    Yep. That was exactly my point. You said it better than I ever could. And by calling minho weak, I meant his 'abuse' is mostly verbal and pretty cheap!!! He's a dick but he's getting more hate than he deserves already cuz he's a guy. Doona is a rapist and yet so many people take her side cuz she's a girl XD
    They wrote so much and I'm still not convinced why this is happening!! Just seems like biased thinking to me!!!
