Not only that but Minho struck her first so he's not above using physical violence himself.

This guy right here is a fairly popular character. There are others like him. You're just not looking hard enough. He is 10x worse than Doona and is well liked.

poke his nose in her sex life*
also saying that Doona doesn't get hate is a lie. Her and Gyerin got more hate than I ever saw Minho get. Funny that.

A couple of people have upvoted but no one has posted in agreeance of OP or in opposition to what has already been replied. I'm seriously wanting someone to explain how poor Minho is so weak because I don't see it at all.

maybe they mean in the context of him only picking on a woman but becomes a pussy around his male peers (acts like everyone is out to get him).

Pretty convenient all the comments that hated on Doona and Gyerin disappeared. But looks like the people who made them are still around alright.

Minho talks down to men too. He acted as though he was superior to Haesol.

Because this site is mostly filled with underage kids who spend their time reading porn, excusing and romanticizing rape and abuse. I don't find it surprising that the comment section is filled with immature comments like 'This bitch should die', but no one is talking about what Doona did to Minho and how that was abuse. If you would like to have a serious debate with people who are of the right age to read and be able to understand what this webtoon is about, then you are on the wrong site.

Are you aware of Korean senior/junior culture? That's the point. He "is". But that aside, he's an ass to Haesol because he has a connection to Doona.

oh, sorry, you are right.
How come doona doesn't get any hate and everyone is making excuses for her?? If she was a guy everyone would bash on her because she broke another person's heart and raped someone. But because she's a girl she's a role model now? Minho is overall so weak and can't do anything but be verbally mean and yet so many peeps are already calling him a dick or asshole. But doona is a role model???? How???