But still, he was pretty neglectful in the past. Didn't even know her number(its his WIFE). And in my opinion, when she first saw him kiss the crazy woman, he didnt care enough. Like he was more concerned over the fact that they were being loud than the fact that he could lose his wife. And he wasnt even enjoying the honeymoon like he shouldve been. he was still glues to his phone
None of those "reasons" make this whole ordeal his fault.
Yes, he didn't assess the severity of the situation when it started, but SHE DID NOT WANT TO UNDERSTAND HIS POSITION EITHER!
I'm not saying the husband's innocent or whatever, but he's as much a victim of the circumstances as the wife is, with the difference that he has learned his lesson and is actively trying to fix the issue, while she's distracting herself with pretty-wine-boy.
Ha ha ha! In this day and age, how many people actually remember anyone's phone number when you have your cell phone to do that for you? When I was young, the closest thing around to a cell phone was Captain Kirk's communicator and you actually did have to memorize phone numbers (or write them down in your own private phone book or, god forbid, look them up in a telephone company phone book) because you did actually have to manually dial the number. I can't fault the husband at all for not knowing wifey's phone number and it would be no surprise to me if she didn't know his, either.
Yeah, the newer generations probably don't worry about that. But these people seem to be around my age (already past college, yuppies), I don't memorise most numbers anymore, for the most part... I don't even know my own number. But I definitely memorise those of people that could be my "emergency calls" (partner, best friend, parents?, etc.).
It's rather careless to think your phone will never run out of battery or someone will steal it from you, or an accident happens and you can no longer use it. I don't know most people's phones, but I will know the number for a person that would know :)
Wow so everyone seems to think its the husbands fault, he has been running around looking for her, yet his at fault? Some other chick who is a stalker freak ruins his honeymoon but its still his fault? The wife didnt even try to listen to him just runs off but its still his fault right? oh and now she is having fun and wining and dining with some other guy while her husband is frantically looking for her but its still his fault? Yeah i totally see the logic in that!!