I agree 100 percent to your opinion ,everything about this manga is actually good.. maybe people dont like it because it is beyond their comfort zone.. but though i have to admit that this is not my cup of tea.. this manga is actually well written. and one that satisfied me is the character development of both sides.. both learned their lessons (specially yuuji) and kudos to chika also for at least trying to forget about the person who cheated on him.. because i admit infidelity shouldnt be taken lightly but sometimes we really do need to lower our egoistic behaviors to get what we want and that's what the author wanted to potray to the audiences that we shouldnt be so prideful and that we should learn from mistakes.. because past will always be the past and now is now..
Beautifully said. You don't have to approve of cheating to admit that a story containing it is well done. That thinking is immature and narrow minded. I adore this manga but, I certainly don't like Yuuji's character at the start. It is his growth as well as Chika's that MAKES the story so amazing. If Yuuji were admirable from the start, this wouldn't be an amazing story.
Lots of people hate the seme, but I don't. I don't think his relationship with Chika was healthy before their breakup and neither was his personality. However, I believe humans learn and grow right up to our last breath and anyone willing to make changes to improve themselves are worth second chances. The moral of this story is "You don't know what you've got until it is gone." Sometimes, forgiveness absolutely needs to be withheld in order for the offending party to understand the depth of the insult they have committed. "I'm sorry" is enough when you bump into a stranger on the street, but when you truly hurt the person who loves you, it takes more effort than two little words. You have to fix the problem so that the offense never happens again. That said, a little forgiveness can help change a person for the better. I am someone who has felt the forgiveness of a loved one I wronged terribly and experienced the changes that were necessary to ensure that I never hurt them like that again. It taught me the value of forgiveness and how selfish it is to withhold it indefinitely. You're not hurting the person you won't forgive. You're only selfishly preventing yourself from feeling pain and growing as a person. But, selfish people don't listen to what others have to say anyway. LOL
This story is not for those lacking life experience enough to recognize the truth in my previous statements. Even without sex scenes, this manga is written for a mature audience. That said, it is one of the most heart wrenchingly fantastic stories I have ever read. My heart ached for Chika at the start and even more so for Yuuji toward the end. The characters were developed beautifully even without having many chapters, that includes side characters as well, and it was done without wasted dialogue or exposition. Every word written propelled the plot and every character contributed. Even if the subject matter is not your cup of tea, the beautifully clean and fluid writing is worth experiencing.