exactly haesol continues to chase after doona. i like haesol so i dont want him to get hurt but hes hurting himself right now, and im not sure how doona a hoe, she hasn't lied nor cheated on him shes living her life as a single woman, shes not obligated to give him a relationship just because he wants one.
she told him properly already (and she's about to tell him again very clearly). but he keeps chasing her because she's his first love. if anyone is in the wrong it's him.
Can you read?? Haesol and Gyerin went on one blind date. They aren't friends, she has zero obligations towards him and can pursue a woman who is single if she wants without being seen as the *bad guy* here.
Look what you've done to poor Haesol. Chun Doona, If you don't want him, just tell him properly. Don't make him wait like this.
And that M girl really pissed me off. You know with all your heart that your friend is serious with that woman(since Haesol talked about it when he drunk). But you run to her and sleep with her anyway. What a bitch.
And Haesol, your noona is a hoe, stop giving a shit and move one ffs.